What is a Pattern?

Prachi The Tatwa Girl
2 min readAug 17, 2018


image courtesy — mojarto

What is a pattern? It is any shape, design or geometrical figure or symbol. The pattern is a decorative design also it a way or sequence in which something is done. It can be artistic or literal or mechanical or musical design.

Personally, I’m obsessed with geometrical patterns in life. I love Zen-tangle, Mandala, Rangolis, Paisleys etc a lot. Our life is all patterns how we behave in happiness, anger, confusion etc. Our bodies are accustomed to a pattern and any change can have the different effect on our behavior.

Well, on a lighter note checking my blog again and again at the repeated interval is also a pattern and designing it in different ways is again a pattern.

Patterns and designs can define us and say a lot in figures. We are all surrounded by different patterns all around us, be it in nature or things around us in our very homes. Science has patterns, Mathematics has patterns, Art obviously has patterns. Even our thoughts that surround the panchtatwas of our life also have a logical pattern that forms the tanmatras. Tanmatras or 5 senses that rule us (Sight, taste, hearing, smell, touch)

The mandala structures or rangoli patterns say a lot in their designs. Mandala is a spiritual symbol that represents the universe. So its pattern also speaks a lot about the universe. Mandala pattern represents cosmos in these geometrical patterns. Even in mehndi, we make patterns.

Our sleeping pattern, sitting posture, all tell a lot about us. Nature too has lots of pattern in daily life. Sand has patterns, waves have patterns, Bubbles, Spots, Architecture, Tiles, Floors, Fashion, Quilt, Bed sheets, Clouds, Soil, Landscapes, Leaves, Trees, Everything has a different pattern, everything has a different story.

Find your pattern, find your story, Explore your self and your pattern by yourself. We can ourselves learn to recognize our patterns and patterns around us. We can know a lot about our-self as well as our universe.



Prachi The Tatwa Girl

The Tatwa Girl is passionate about PanchTatwa's of Life. Nature lover, Eco-Blogger and a StoryTeller #Dreamer #Bibliophile #Creative #Earthy