Being Different

2 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Christophe Maertens on Unsplash

Many times people told me that I’m different.

Many meant that in a mean way.

I never liked to play my classmates’ games. I always found those stupid and unappealing.

It was one of the reasons that pushed them to bully me.

Despite that I never wanted to change cause being myself in the face of that was natural for me.

You don’t like me. Too bad. I’ll roll my way.

Even now people say that I’m a loser because I don’t mingle.

So? Do I have to be false to have false friends? Nah, thank you.

I don’t feel better than the others, I don’t feel special either.

I am who I am and since being true to myself helped me survive in life, I’m going to keep being me.

People always asked me to change for them, but they would have never changed for me.

Shouldn’t there be “contamination” on both sides?

It makes me laugh to think of what they had in their head at that moment.

I don’t despise myself anymore for the sake of people taking advantage of my kindness.

I’ll stay how I am. I’ll grow, learn new things, understand where I was wrong and correct my behavior if necessary. But I’ll never change to please someone else who is not willing to do the same for me.

Friendship is accepting someone for who he is. It’s helping him to improve in things that could otherwise damage him.

Not changing things that you don’t like out of your selfishness.

Friendship is equal compromise, good contamination on both sides.

Friendship is not having a minion to do what you want him to do.

Both parts of friendship are equals. There is not a major and a minor part.

This is what all the failed friendships I had taught me.

And I’m very happy to have gone out of that circle.

Better alone than in bad company has never been so true!




Hello everybody! I’m Iskall and I love to write stories and articles. I hope to entertain you and even inform you with my passion and curiosity!