Why was the severed head of Sir William Wallace, a Scottish national hero, displayed on the Drawbridge Gate of London Bridge?

Mani Writes
4 min readMar 7, 2023


Following his execution at Smithfield in London on 23 August 1305, William Wallace’s severed head was placed on a spike on Drawbridge Gate on London Bridge.

Wallace’s head was the first recorded head ever to be displayed on the bridge and it launched a gruesome tradition that lasted over 350 years.

At one stage 30 heads were counted on the Gateway.

After being put on the spike, Wallace’s head was left to the elements to rot and eventually decompose.

Traitors’ heads used to be displayed on spikes on London Bridge, at the Stone Gateway on the south bank.

This merry London ritual began in about 1300 and continued until about 1660.

The lofty heads included, at different times, those of William Wallace, Thomas More, Bishop John Fisher, and Thomas Cromwell, though we doubt the passer-by could have recognized individuals;

the heads were dipped in tar as a preservative so facial recognition must have been impaired.

William Wallace was a Scottish knight and military leader during the First War of Scottish Independence.

He was born in around 1270 in the region of Renfrewshire, Scotland, and is believed to have died on August 23, 1305, in London, England.

Wallace is best known for leading a successful rebellion against the English, which ultimately led to the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 and the creation of an independent Scotland.

He is also remembered for his bravery, loyalty, and patriotism. Wallace has been immortalized in literature and film, including the 1995 movie Braveheart, which starred Mel Gibson as Wallace.

William Wallace was the main protagonist of the 1995 Academy Award-winning film Braveheart, directed by and starring Mel Gibson.

He was a Scottish knight and warrior who led the Scottish people in a rebellion against the English in the late 13th century, during the First War of Scottish Independence.

Wallace was seen as a symbol of courage and resistance to English rule, and his efforts earned him a place in Scottish folklore and history.

The movie depicted Wallace’s story in an exaggerated and romanticized way, with his main motivation being his love for his late wife, Murron MacClannough.

Here are ten facts about William Wallace, a Scottish knight, and leader who fought for Scottish independence in the late 13th century:

  1. William Wallace was born in Elderslie, Scotland, in the 1270s or 1280s. He was the second son of a minor nobleman named Sir Malcolm Wallace.
  2. Wallace is most famous for his leadership in the Scottish Wars of Independence against England. He rose to prominence after the Scottish nobility submitted to English rule following the death of Alexander III of Scotland in 1286.
  3. In 1297, Wallace led a Scottish rebellion against English rule, culminating in the Battle of Stirling Bridge, where the Scots defeated a much larger English army. This battle was one of Wallace’s most significant achievements, and it helped inspire the Scottish people to fight for independence.
  4. Following the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Wallace was knighted and appointed Guardian of Scotland. He led a series of raids against English forces in the years that followed.
  5. In 1298, Wallace was defeated at the Battle of Falkirk by a larger English army led by King Edward I. This was a significant setback for the Scottish cause.
  6. Wallace continued to fight for Scottish independence, but he was eventually betrayed and captured by the English in 1305. He was taken to London, where he was tried and executed for treason.
  7. Wallace’s execution was brutal: he was hanged, drawn, and quartered, and his body parts were displayed in different parts of England as a warning to other rebels.
  8. Despite his brutal death, Wallace became a national hero in Scotland, and his memory has been celebrated in Scottish folklore and popular culture ever since.
  9. Wallace was the subject of the 1995 movie Braveheart, which was directed by and starred Mel Gibson. The movie won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
  10. The historical accuracy of Braveheart has been criticized by historians, but the movie played a significant role in popularizing the story of William Wallace and inspiring a new generation of Scots to fight for independence.

Overall, William Wallace is remembered as a brave and inspiring leader who fought for Scottish independence against incredible odds. His legacy continues to inspire people in Scotland and beyond.

Images Sources: Google/Web

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Mani Writes

Freelance Writer Seeking Online Earning Opportunities and Article Writing Projects for Social Media Platforms.