Imran Ahmad
4 min readOct 14, 2023


An essay about ‘the Jews!’ by Imran Ahmad

Antisemitic Muslims who attack ‘the Jews!’ serve the cause of Zionist Supremacism.

Judaism is a noble religion defined by: morality, ethics, self-discipline, introspection, philosophy, social justice, compassion, kindness to the stranger, prayer and fasting. During the Golden Age of Islam, Muslim rulers always valued having Jewish advisors. (Both Muslims and Jews suffered under the Inquisition, from their common enemy — the Christians!) The ‘othering’ of Jews, and the modern tensions between Jews and Muslims, are due entirely to historical socio-political causes — demonisation often serves a political purpose (as we can all witness today). How have we reached this deplorable state of knee-jerk antisemitism of some Muslims (and others) against all Jews?

For the purpose of this article:

  • ‘Antisemitism’ is taken to mean opposition to and hatred of anyone with an attribute which defines them in some way as ‘Jewish’.
  • ‘Zionism’ is taken to be a political objective, operating within civilised and morally acceptable norms.
  • ‘Zionist Supremacism’ is taken to be a brutal, compassionless, inhumane, racist ideology which seeks total eradication and bulldozing (literally) of all Palestinians across the entire biblical land of ancient Israel — without regard to civilised or internationally recognised legal norms.

People who have an attribute which would define them as ‘Jewish’ exist across such a broad set of spectrums — religious, ethnic, national, cultural, philosophical, theological, historic, heritage, political, social, theist — that there is no such entity as ‘the Jews’ as a unified and cohesive group. There are even atheist Jews, Buddhist Jews and pagan Jews. Somehow, whatever the chosen religious philosophy of the subject, the ‘Jewish’ attribute can never leave them.

The very concept of ‘the Jews’ evokes in many people an aura of paranoia, suspicion, distrust, ‘otherness’ — underpinning conspiracy theories and hate-based nationalism etc.

Ironically, it is broad and undiscriminating antisemitism itself which drives people across these spectrums to coalesce into a more unified ‘Jewishness’ — and less likely to stick their necks out in support of justice for the Palestinians.

So, when, for example, unthinking so-called ‘Muslims’ in, for example, the United Kingdom go on indiscriminate anti-Jewish rampages — then even the most pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist, pro-peace, progressive, liberal Jews are inclined to throw in the towel and be less vociferous in their support of Palestinian rights and dignity.

Thus, mindless Muslim antisemitism is a major enabler of unchallenged Zionist Supremacism.

There are Orthodox Jews who oppose the state of Israel, and support justice and rights for the Palestinians, and yet — because they look so obviously and stereotypically Jewish — they may be subjected to verbal and physical attacks by rampaging, unthinking so-called ‘Muslims’. This provides invaluable support for the cause of Zionist Supremacism.

Don’t assume what I think by how I look …
THANK YOU, my brothers and sisters …

In this way, ‘Muslims’ who engage in mindless antisemitism are alienating the most valuable supporters that the Palestinians could have — the non-Zionist-Supremacist Jews.

This idiot travelled down from Dewsbury in Yorkshire to randomly attack Jews in North London. He serves the cause of Zionist Supremacism.

Muslims who attack ‘the Jews’ are — just like the raging militants of Hamas — reinforcing the official narrative of Zionist Supremacism: ‘You see how they hate us. They cannot be reasoned with. They are inhuman, barbarians. We are forced to defend ourselves. You understand?’

Zionism has always benefited from overt antisemitism — but the insane, hysterical hate-filled rage into which we have now collectively descended fuels and gives momentum (and perceived legitimacy) even to Zionist Supremacism.

Placing Jewish people under constant fear of attack is not only evil and stupid — but also serves the cause of Zionist Supremacism.

It should not be this way.

There are much better narratives …

Rationality, Peace, Justice, Love, Compassion — these have all been bulldozed in the current hate-filled hysteria … to the benefit of Zionist Supremacism … and Humanity is the loser.

Although this was deliberately staged for a news magazine, back in 1993, nonetheless the ENERGY of this photograph (almost) universally has a positive impact on the viewer.
And reality can reflect idealism — unfortunately often in tragic circumstances.
HUNDREDS of JEWS have been arrested in New York City and Washington DC, after protesting against Israel’s conduct in Gaza. My BROTHERS & SISTERS: I am so sorry if you encounter unthinking antisemitism from any Muslims who are ignorant and brainwashed. PLEASE FORGIVE — they know not what they do.

Shakespeare describes this hatred and rage by arbitrary association perfectly in Julius Caesar.

‘Revenge by Association’ is described perfectly in ‘Julius Caesar’. We humans have been doing this for thousands of years. We descend into mindless tribalism.

