Imran Esmail
2 min readNov 30, 2014

The Time I Became the Soup Nazi in the Name of Movember

It’s November 30th and we’ve had a blast raising money for Movember and men’s health.

Our team this year did a Seinfeld meets Movember theme where each day we would post a Seinfeld themed photo on Instagram.

My campaign raised $1,913 from 40 generous individuals and as a team, we raised an amazing $4,204 in total!

It’s not over yet! You can…

Click Here to Donate

The Madness

And here’s some select madness from the past 30 days:

For the full ridiculousness….follow me on Instagram.

Thanks to Everyone

I’d like to sincerely thank everyone who followed along, liked, donated and cheered us on the past 30 days.

I’d especially like to thank Iman, our very talented photographer, and my team: Dil, Rajiv, Kash and Zahid for helping me out so much along the way.

Seinfeld would want you to SHARE

If you enjoyed this spread the word by re-tweeting below. I’ve tagged Seinfeld himself — so lets see if we can’t blast his account ;)

With that I’ll close it off by saying:

Alright, hey, you’ve been great! See you in the cafeteria!