HIIT VS LISS: Which Workout Would Get Best Results?

Imran Khan
6 min readApr 28, 2022


<< HIIT is generally a better choice for better fitness results because of its higher intensity. HIIT also has a lower fatigue factor which can be great when trying to lose weight. LISS workouts are highly effective in mitigating belly fat and are associated with fewer side effects and can help with weight loss. >>

LISS cardio has been shown to increase energy expenditure and improve cardiovascular health. It also helps with fat loss, with the increased calorie burn giving you more fat to lose.

is a promising trend in cardio that is quickly captivating audiences because it burns more calories and leaves your body burning calories long after your workout. However, there are also risks associated with this high-intensity style of training.HIIT and LISS are different workouts that both have their pros and cons. In this article, we compare and LISS to find out which is better for you.

Links are below this text. Use these links to navigate the guide:

  • What is LISS?
  • What is HIIT?
  • Is HIIT or LISS More Time Efficient?
  • High-intensity interval training Workout Duration
  • LISS Workout Duration
  • Does HIIT or LISS Yield Better Fitness Results?
  • High-intensity interval training is Associated with Improved Cardiovascular Fitness
  • High-intensity interval training is Better for Weight Loss
  • HIIT Burns More Calories Even After Your Workout is Over
  • Is HIIT or LISS Better for You?

What is LISS?

LISS cardio is done at a low-intensity level and typically lasts for long periods. It is suitable for people who suffer from fatigue or who cannot handle the higher intensities of other types of workouts. Your intensity shouldn’t change during your workout, with a 40% Heart Rate Max (HRmax) — 70% HRmax, peak intensity. LISS cardio can be accomplished by walking on a treadmill, exercising on an elliptical, Stairmaster, or bike at a low intensity, and more.

The purpose is to breathe in the fresh air and let your body recover from the more intense workout of the day while you’re moving. LISS cardio is done at a slower pace, while HIIT cardio is higher intensity and typically lasts less than LISS cardio, but has greater metabolic benefits due to the high effort of your heart rate and the constant movement.

What is HIIT?

HIIT is a blend of high-intensity and low-intensity cardio workouts. It helps burn more calories in shorter periods and decreases the risk for cardiovascular disease. HIIT can be done at varying intensities, with your intensity ramping up from 20% HRmax — to 80% HRmax. The peak intensity should not exceed 80% HRmax.

Typically, you would cycle at a low intensity for 45 seconds, then burst into an all-out-sprint for a maximum of 15 seconds to complete your interval.

During the workday, it is important to push yourself hard for about 80% -100% HRmax. In between intervals, it’s important that you fully recover so you can give each push your full effort.

Studies conducted showed that HIIT includes a variety of short exercises that can help exercise more muscle and burn more fat. It promotes good breath control.

Is HIIT or LISS More Time Efficient?

Most people in the US are struggling to find time to exercise. Regardless of age, ethnicity, sex, or health status, they report that a lack of time is the primary reason for their failure to exercise regularly.

If you find the high-intensity nature of HIIT workouts too much to handle, then higher doses of short, intense exercise may be a better option. This may be your answer if you’re struggling with a lack of time.

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High-intensity interval training Workout Duration

HIIT is great for burning fat, losing weight, and boosting fitness results. HIIT workouts can be anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, but some of them may be longer for endurance athletes specifically training for performance. Though it’s not a sustainable workout if your goal is to lose weight or burn calories, it is a great way to get a good cardio workout.

LISS Workout Duration

LISS for a 30-minute session ranges from 30 to 60 minutes. There is no “forced effort” or need to sprint like in HIIT, so your intensity can remain consistent throughout. This type of workout requires increasing your heart rate and perspiration levels rather than risk killing yourself by overdoing it on an interval type of workout.

As you lower your effort level, you burn fewer calories within the same period; meaning, you’ll need to work out for longer periods during a LISS session just to burn as many calories as you would during a HIIT session.

Does HIIT or LISS Yield Better Fitness Results?

HIIT workouts offer several health benefits, including improved fat loss, increased aerobic fitness, and an increase in basal metabolic rate. A few of the most noticeable health benefits are listed below.

High-intensity interval training is Associated with Improved Cardiovascular Fitness

HIIT is more efficient than traditional cardiovascular workouts. So if you want to see faster improvements, consider doing high-intensity interval training on a more regular basis.

High-intensity interval training is Better for Weight Loss

HIIT is more time-efficient and has better results than other training formats because it boosts performance and achievement. This is why HIIT is the go-to method for those who want to lose weight quickly. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as running or biking, is beneficial to fat loss.

HIIT Burns More Calories Even After Your Workout is Over

HIIT workouts are great for weight loss because you tend to burn more calories afterward as well. Its workouts are great for people who want to lose weight.

Is HIIT or LISS Better for You?

HIIT workouts tend to be more intense and leave you even more exhausted than LISS workouts. But there are certain variables you should also consider before deciding on which type of workout is best for you. One of the first things you need to think about is whether or not you have the time to dedicate yourself to your workout routine. Another thing you should consider is how much effort you are willing to put into your workouts.

Choose HIIT if

HIIT workouts are workouts that last only 20–30 minutes and consist of three to six different exercises. They are shorter than most routines, but they provide an intense workout that leaves you feeling like you’ve accomplished something. The point here is to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and put forth the effort.

Choose LISS if

If you’re someone that finds themselves having an ample amount of time & doesn’t like to feel uncomfortable, then LISS is probably the more suitable route for you.

Choose both

If you find yourself in the middle, try mixing in some HIIT and LISS sessions. This will help keep your fitness level up! Scaling a routine is an important decision to make to keep yourself engaged and on-brand. Whether you run three days a week or choose to perform some of your workouts with strength training, doing so will help your work progress in the future. And you’ll feel strong when it’s all said and done!

Finally, I hope this information helps you

HIIT and LISS are both great forms of cardiovascular exercise. Choose whichever style is best suited to your schedule, taking the above considerations into account. If you’re ready to get started, be sure to visit our workout page on the Sunny Training Hub for a full library of cardio workouts at your fingertips!

Originally published at https://fitnessgeekpro.com on April 28, 2022.

