Introducing JobTrial

Imran Parvez
3 min readSep 18, 2015


Over the past month, I decided to get hands on and learn to code. The result of which is

I design digital products, and I’ve always believed Designers should know code. I’ve never written code before. I only understood code to the extent that I could communicate my thoughts and know the complexity involved. I knew how to write basic HTML and CSS, but hadn’t done much on JavaScript except finishing Codeacademy’s Javascript lessons.

So here’s JobTrial a platform which lets an employer and employee agree for a trial of 3 days to try a potential fit.

Sign Up

The Sign up flow is a two-step process, which starts with a twitter authentication and then asks a personal link(resume, or linkedin) and email address. Employees or employers both have the same sign-up process.

  • JobTrial needs the email to make the introduction between employee and employer in case of a match.
  • A personal link is required, which could be a website or linkedin or resume. This along with the twitter profile would give the social and business profile of the employee or employer.

Creating an Opening

There are two sections in the application, Jobs and Hire. Hire section is for the employers. To create an opening, the employer needs to provide the following details

  • Job Title
  • Location
  • Salary Range

Share your Opening and Offer Trial

  • Once you create an opening, you are redirected to the Opening’s page. This is a public page, you can share it on social media and invite people to apply. (use the nifty share on twitter button)
  • The openings you created and the interested applicants show up in the Hire Section.

Start Trial

  • Jobs Section is for employment seekers. They could show interest in an opening by saying Start Trial.
  • If the employer also shows an interest by saying Offer Trial, an automated introduction would be done on email.


I’ve published on DesignerNews and HackerNews. I received some good feedback, and suggestions.

If you are an employer go ahead and give it a try? May be someone from your 1st or 2nd degree connections would want to try working with you.



Imran Parvez

Designer @Atlassian & @Thisisspartez working on developer tools.