What is Flutter…? 🤔

Rishu kumar
4 min readSep 25, 2020

As per definition by Google:-

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Let's dig deeper into what is the meaning of the above lines:-

  • Toolkit - A set of tools, especially one kept in a bag or box and used for a particular purpose.
  • Native compiled application - The app which gets compiled according to their specific platforms such as Android and iOS.
  • Single codebase - Write code in only one language and it gets compiled according to the specific platforms. Before Flutter You have to Learn Java or Kotlin for Android Development and Swift or Objective-C for iOS.

Flutter solves this problem and now you can develop the app for both the platforms by using a single language called Dart and it reduces Time and Development cost.

So, in simple words, flutter can develop an application for both the mobile platform either it is android or iOS, and can also be used to develop a web app but this feature is currently on the beta version.

  • Flutter is not alone in its race. React Native and Ionic are also an option for developing native apps and they in the maket for a very long time and have a very strong community. So if you have a web development background React Native or Ionic will be a nice option for you. Ionic apps are not so responsive as it converts a web page into your mobile app and builds can randomly crash without any reason lack. React Native is a good option but it also lacks some advanced features and has compatibility & debugging issues. But when talking about Fluter. Flutter is just awesome. And the reasons are quite clear. Google is backing it. It is very powerful and new features are getting added day by day.

What is Dart :-

As Flutter uses Dart as its programming language lets see What is it: -

Dart is a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. It is developed by Google and is used to build mobile, desktop, server, and web applications. Dart is an object-oriented, class-based, garbage-collected language with C-style syntax. Dart can compile to either native code or JavaScript.

  • You can practice dart on the online editor provided by the dart team on the dartpad.dev website. Or you can download a specific editor such as IntelliJ IDEA. But in my opinion, dartpad.dev is sufficient.

Apps Developed With Flutter :-

  • As Flutter provides native development and because of its awesome features, a lot of organizations and developers around the world use Flutter many react native and ionic developers switched to Flutter. Because Google itself has a lot of talented and hardworking developers and they are providing the best resources for developing flutter apps either it is Material Design - Material Design is an Android-oriented design language created by Google, supporting onscreen touch experiences via cue-rich features and natural motions that mimic real-world objects. Flutter Gallery - Pre-built apps with a certain feature that can directly be incorporated into any app you are making. Google Codelabs - Written tutorial hands-on coding experiences provided by Google developers to learn how to implement a certain feature into your apps, And one can’t forget the Flutter Gems - Free open-source packages with specific features made directly to use into your app. There are many more resources added day by day so, that even the less experienced or new developers can develop their apps easily.

Some of them are:-

1.Dream 11 - India’s largest fantasy sports company with 50M+ users made its fantasy sports app a reality with Flutter.

2.Google Ads - The Google Ads app helps users manage, optimize, and track ad campaigns all from the convenience of an android device.

3.Alibaba - Flutter helped bring a new app for the world’s biggest online marketplace to life.

4.Reflect - An award-winning mindfulness app built with Flutter. It was featured on the Apple App Store as an ‘app of the day’.

5.eBay - The eBay Motors app is a powerful tool for browsing, buying, and selling vehicles directly from consumers’ phones.

  • Recently google pays India announced that they have completely rewritten they're an app in Flutter and will launch soon. Check the twitter handle of Google Developers.
  • Flutter support for Windows desktop is now in alpha (along with macOS and Linux support)! For more information, see this free article and the desktop page.

There are many more apps are adding day by day on the play store. You can check apps made with a flutter Here.

  • There are many more contents coming up stick with us and we will provide you many resources so that you can start your journey of becoming a flutter developer that can help to enrich your carrier.

You can learn more about Flutter at their official website flutter.dev

Till then keep creating something new.

Thank You …😊

