How to prepare a summer drink at home in minutes with little effort and lose weight without dieting — a sustainable approach

4 min readJun 14, 2023


How to drink tea and other drinks to lose weight fast this summer Is it possible to lose weight by drinking?

List of 5 best drinks to lose weight with little effort while sleeping at home this summer

1 Detox water


Detox water is a great choice for those looking to cleanse their bodies and lose weight.

By infusing the water with ingredients like lemon, cucumber and mint, you can enjoy a refreshing and hydrating drink while
supporting your weight loss goals.

Detox water has the following effects:

wash away toxins
improve digestion,
Promotes metabolism.
Overall, this drink will give your body the cleanse it needs to function at its best.


1 lemon, sliced
1 cucumber, sliced
fresh mint leaves.
2 liters of water.


Add lemon slices, cucumber slices, and a few fresh mint leaves to a large pitcher. Fill the pitcher with 2 liters of water.
Stir gently to blend the ingredients.
Refrigerate the detox water for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to develop.Pour into glasses and add ice if desired.
Enjoy refreshing detox water.

2 Green tea

Ultimate Metabolism Booster:
Green tea is a great weight-loss drink that offers many benefits.

It is known to boost metabolism, which means your body can burn calories more efficiently.

Incorporating green tea into your daily routine can add extra excitement to your weight loss efforts.

There are many different types of green tea, so experiment and find the one that suits your taste. material:

1 green tea bag or 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves
1 cup of hot water
honey or lemon, according to taste.


Add green tea bags or loose leaf tea to the cup.
Cover the tea with boiling water and steep for 3–5 minutes. Remove the tea bag or strain the tea.
If you like, squeeze honey or lemon to increase the flavor.
Stir well and enjoy green tea that promotes metabolism.

3 Lemon water

Simple drinks to lose weight:
Lemon water is a simple, refreshing weight loss drink with a wide range of benefits.

Facilitates digestion, supports detoxification and boosts vitamin C.

Incorporating lemon water into your daily routine can improve:

Promotes a healthy digestive system,
Enjoy a savory alternative to sugary drinks.


1 lemon 1–2 cups of water (warm or cold).

Squeeze lemon juice into a glass.

Add 1–2 cups of water and stir well.
If desired, you can also add a few lemon slices for extra flavor.
Drink on an empty stomach in the morning or throughout the day to hydrate and aid digestion.

4 Protein shake

Lose weight and stay full.
Protein shakes are a valuable weight loss tool because they help keep you feeling full and satisfied while replenishing
important nutrients.

Incorporating protein shakes into your daily routine can help curb your appetite and preserve muscle mass.

These are available in different versions, such as:

Choose the one that best suits your dietary needs and preferences.


1 scoop of protein powder of your choice (whey, plant-based, etc.).
1 cup of milk (dairy or plant milk)
1 ripe banana.
Add a handful of spinach, berries, or nut butters for added nutrition and flavor.


Combine protein powder, milk, banana, and your favorite ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour into a glass and enjoy as a meal replacement or post-workout protein boost.

5 Herbal tea

Natural Weight Loss Secrets:
Herbal teas are nature’s slimming secrets, offering a variety of flavors and weight-loss benefits.

For example, green tea contains catechins that promote fat oxidation, and peppermint tea aids digestion.

Exploring the world of herbal teas, you can find herbal teas that suit your taste and enjoy their metabolism-boosting
and appetite-suppressing effects.


1 herbal tea bag or 1 teaspoon of loose herbal tea. 1 cup of hot water.
Garnish with honey or a slice of lemon, if desired.


Add an herbal tea bag or loose tea to your cup.
Pour hot water over the tea and let it steep for the recommended time on the package, or 5–7 minutes.
Remove the tea bag or strain the tea leaves. Add honey or lemon slices if desired, and stir well.
Experience the slimming effect while enjoying a fragrant herbal tea.
Weight-loss drinks offer a worthy addition to a healthy lifestyle.


Make your weight-loss journey even better.
To achieve sustainable and
successful weight loss,
Remember to combine weight loss drinks with a balanced diet and regular exercise, and consult your doctor if needed. For comprehensive guidance and experience with healthy eating, access
the 21-Day Weight Loss Challenge at the link below.
click here
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