Shubham Srivastava
7 min readJan 7, 2022


TIME is not real. It is a man-made construct developed by us, humans. It assists us in distinguishing between the present and past tense, according to an equally astonishing and perplexing notion.

Time is an illusion created by human memory; everything that has ever been and will ever be is happening right now. That is the theory of a group of eminent scientists aiming to unravel one of the universe’s mysteries.
Most people don’t think about time, yet there’s nothing in the principles of physics that say it has to travel in the forward direction. We know about it through the assumption but not proven in empirical terms. The principles of physics are symmetric, so time could have easily flowed backward or forward.

They propose that there is a ‘block universe in which time and space are combined, also known as space-time. Even if we consider terms of Latitude and Longitude for a relative time that is the by-product of distance itself. In laymen, we could say that Distance is the hardware while Time is software. Time has no physical value in existence.

What is 4-dimensional Figure?

Our brains are not built to think in over three dimensions. Life on Earth only extends to the third dimension. The human mind cannot envision what it has never seen before. It would be like imagining a new color in the cosmos that humans have not yet found.

What words would you use to describe it?

This mathematical and physical concept inexplicably makes it an awfully real physicist wonder. Many theoretical physicists, however, have suggested many hypotheses as to what the fourth dimension is and what it might look like. We can define this dimension scientifically, but we may never encounter it in physical reality.


· The SI base units are the standardized units of measurement specified by the International System of Units (SI) for the 7 base quantities of the current International System of Quantities: they are notably a fundamental set from which all other SI units may be derived. These SI units are The second is used to measure time, the meter is used to measure length or distance; the kilogram is used to measure mass; the ampere is used to measure electric current; the kelvin is used to measure thermodynamic temperature; the mole is used to measure the amount of substance, and the candela is used to measure luminous intensity. Notice that all the other basic SI unit is measurable or felt by 5 basic sensory receptors (i.e. eyes, Nose, Ears, Skin, and tongue) except time. We can measure the distance with our footsteps while we can feel a temperature rise through the skin. Time is the only basic entity that has no empirical evidence of existence. However, it is considered a measure of the rate of change in distance in physics.

· Many suggest Time is simply a construct to measure Universal Entropy. Entropy is a measurement of the degree of randomness. It refers to a growth in disorder within a system. According to the second rule of thermodynamics, any spontaneously occurring event will always increase the entropy (S) of the universe. In layman’s terms, the law states that the entropy of an isolated system will never decrease over time. The universe’s entropy is always expanding. Space is always expanding. Rapid phases of expansion have been connected to rapid increases in the entropy of the cosmos because of particle production and the formation of black holes.

· However, the arrow of time is considered a forward vector always. Imagine yourself shooting a ball, you are witnessing a distortion, the entropy of the ball losing its motion. The same logic is in the movie or your cell phone, the same phenomenon is used as Frame per second. But all that static frame shows up as a moving picture as an emergent property. One might mistakenly consider entropy and time as the same because they are moving in the same direction. But another example will show the vagueness assume you live in Auckland and travel to Alaska. You travel back in time, but you don’t do the same things in Alaska that you did in Auckland. (time backward, Entropy Forward). The velocity of the universe is a non-uniform, non-linear, forward vector, and Many people mistakenly assume that a black hole is a portal to time travel, which it is not. There are no two speeds of light that are the same. There are no two black holes alike. Air has resistance, the motion has friction, and light must have one as well. For light, it is dark matter or anti-matter. Light makes up for stellar aberration. Prof Xavier Calmet works hard to solve Stephen Hawkins black hole paradox.

Here are few 4-D figures:

A tesseract is a four-dimensional mathematical figure with equal-length lines that intersect at right angles. It is a four-dimensional extension of the square in the same manner that a cube is a three-dimensional extension of the idea of a two-dimensional square. Since we’ve added another dimension, four lines intersect at right angles at each vertex. In actuality, a tesseract has three-dimensional faces, each of which is a cube.

According to the hypothesis, supported by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, space and time are components of a four-dimensional structure in which everything that has occurred has its coordinates in space-time. The theory itself gets flawed at the quantum level with an ever-expanding and unending universe. It is like expecting lemon from Mango trees which is not quite possible yet least we could say.

The vast majority of phenomena in physics are described as fields, which are continuous functions determined over space and time. Electromagnetic fields, substance fields, and strong and weak fields are all types of fields. These fields have a “ground state,” or a condition in which they contain the least amount of energy.

What are the goals of Einstein with his theory?

There is no such thing as empty space, or space devoid of a field. Space-time does not assert its own existence, but simply as a structural characteristic of the field.

However, the further development leads them into:

“The reality that underpins space must be distinct, or we must seek the basis of its metric connections outside of it, in binding forces that operate on it.”

Ever Imagine a rubric cube of distance and time. No, that rubric cube is all distance. So does this 4th, fifth and 10th dimension whatsoever. This universe is made up of infinitesimal rubrics, all distance. Because you’re moving doesn’t mean that stationary cubic is moving. Time with distance makes the speed, not the distance. The Lengths in coordinates are attached with length only.

Imagine measuring the size of your house, all it requires is an Inch-tape to measure its length, width, and Height. It never requires a clock same logic goes for measuring the universe. Einstein, mistakenly assess time as the fourth dimension of the universe. Things are in the axiom phase where one knows that the 4th Dimension is not time but lacks a full-fledged theory for it. The analysis of the aforementioned theories is ample to display Time is not the fourth dimension.

According to Max Tegmark, the physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — “We have the illusion, at any given moment, that the past already happened and the future doesn’t yet exist, and that things are changing. But all I’m ever aware of is my brain state right now. The only reason I feel like I have a past is that my brain contains memories.”

Sounds Mind-boggling right?

Einstein was not wrong but halfway right. Just like Rutherford while founding the atomic model through alpha-scattering experiments lays the pathway for modern atomic theory.

Dr. Barbour, a physicist researcher on space-time added- “The only evidence you have of last week is your memory. But memory comes from a stable structure of neurons in your brain now. The only evidence we have of the Earth’s past is rocks and fossils. But these are just stable structures as an arrangement of minerals we examine in the present. The point is, all we have are these records and you only have them in this Now.”

The theory of everything slowly became to abolish the time stature. The emergence of the Wheeler-Dewitt equation further clarifies the non-existence of time as It removes Time dependency to measure Quantum Gravity. It is crucial in theoretical physics, particularly quantum gravity. It is a three-dimensional spatial metrics functional differential equation.

In cosmology, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation takes the form of an operator operating on a wave functional; the functional reduces to a function. In contrast to the general situation, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation is clearly defined in mini super spaces such as cosmological theory configuration space.

Thus, the man-made construct cannot have physical relevance which concludes the fact that Time is not the 4th Dimension because all the other three spatial have a physical gradient and are measurable as well.

Reference: https://ysjournal.com/the-4th-dimension/




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Shubham Srivastava

Shubham Srivastava is a software developer , blogger , content writer who loves to listen music , read books and to have some good food with friends.