360 Photo of the day | 360

Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News
Published in
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

Slate Canyon Trailhead, Provo Utah


Above is the flat image. I was in my truck taking long-exposure photospheric images when another vehicle decided to come up. You can see the moon peeking up over the mountains behind me (to the right) and in front (to the left) you can see light pollution radiating from downtown Provo.

Tiny Planet


This is that same shot with a little filtering and color saturation. The great thing about 360 photography is the user manipulative perspective that it allows because of the entire visible spectrum from a single point of view that gets captured.

Now you try

On the Theta360 gallery


To get this right, you will want to select the tiny-planet setting on the right, as outlined above with the monocle. If you are on mobile, requesting the desktop render will give you more options.

Tiny Planet. Slate Canyon Trail, Provo. #360 #imthemobileguru #theta360 — Spherical Image — RICOH THETA

WP Photo Sphere (Slate canyon time lapse)

Originally published at imthemobile.guru.



Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News

I cover topics in the mobile space: trends, strategy, business, legislation, philosophy and culture of Mobile technology.