Greenpeace vs French nuclear power reactor | Drone Video

Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

Activists kamikaze a Superman-dressed drone into nuclear power station.

Greenpeace set out to prove they could crash an FPV drone dressed up like Superman chased by another UAS, and both being filmed by at least one other camera.

Reuters said:

Greenpeace said it had flown the drone — piloted by one of its activists — into the no-fly zone around utility EDF’s Bugey nuclear plant, near Lyon, and then crashed it against the wall of the plant’s spent-fuel pool building.
“This action again highlights the extreme vulnerability of this type of buildings, which contain the highest amount of radioactivity in nuclear plants,” Greenpeace said.

France generates 75 percent of its electricity from nuclear power in 19 nuclear plants operated by state-controlled EDF.

EDF said that two drones had flown over the Bugey site, of which one had been intercepted by French police.

“The presence of these drones had no impact on the security of the installations,” EDF said, adding that it will file a police complaint.

The drone stunt follows a series of staged break-ins by Greenpeace activists into French nuclear plants, which Greenpeace says are vulnerable to outside attack, especially the spent-fuel pools. These pools can hold the equivalent of several reactor cores, stored in concrete pools outside the highly reinforced reactor building.

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Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News

I cover topics in the mobile space: trends, strategy, business, legislation, philosophy and culture of Mobile technology.