PE Trump twitters on ethics priority, Repubs comply | Social Media

Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2017

Republicans scrap vote to dismantle independent ethics committee after Trump tweet.


MSNBC loses their minds over…everything.

I was watching Rachel Maddow last night and she stated that those of us who don’t pay attention to news, (because it sucks), better start paying attention to it now, because, ‘this’, is how things are going to be run from now on.

What did she mean by, ‘this’? She was referring to Congressional republicans voting to model ethics investigations around how the Senate does it: by policing themselves. This way, both upper and lower chambers would have congruency when investigating internal matters of corruption in ethics.

Maddow blamed Trump for this idea and was fully convinced it was because Trump wanted to hide all of his corrupt business dealings. How?

I have no idea considering separation of powers.


But before House Republicans could screw themselves with the poor timing of this first order of business, PE Trump flexed his Twitter Guns:


Gotta have priorities


Drain The Swamp

The rest is in the history books…House Republicans decided against it.

Originally published at



Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News

I cover topics in the mobile space: trends, strategy, business, legislation, philosophy and culture of Mobile technology.