Was the K-2so character ripped off from the HK-47 assassin droid? | Comparison

Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2016

Statement: Hell yes it was.

Imperial droid

My favorite character in Rogue One was the reprogrammed Imperial droid, K-2so. Sarcasm, cynicism and humor wrapped up in a loyal killing machine who is eager to serve his master. You ever wonder where they got the idea for it?

I have a guess:

Imperial assassin

Of course…if you aren’t a super geeky Star Wars fan that does not also play vidja-games related to said movie, you probably don’t know who HK-47 is. A reprogrammed Imperial Assassin droid from Knights of the Old Republic II.

Check out this clip from KOTOR 2 and tell me if you think he could have been the inspiration for K-2so (KOTOR-2so ya think?)

Originally published at imthemobile.guru.



Jason Yeaman
Mobile⌘Tech News

I cover topics in the mobile space: trends, strategy, business, legislation, philosophy and culture of Mobile technology.