Going Outside the Box

Ina Exmundo
2 min readMar 24, 2023


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw

Photo by Daniel Hering on Unsplash

OMG. This is my first personal blog ever LOL so I’m making it somewhat loose.

Why did I choose this title with all the topics I want to discuss with you?

I hated being in public, seen in public, or doing anything in public whether in person or on my social media.

Indeed I am what they called an Introvert.

In our modern definition, Being an Introvert is just basically wanting to do things on your own or with a small circle of a group, around one or two people only. For me, I just opted to do things on my own and I was a master of my own time, space, and world.

Until today, you are reading my journal online on my website which I never thought I would be feeling this good opening my world in public.

You might ask me:

What inspired me to finally open up myself?
or Was it easy for me?
or What makes me decide to?

I’ve read a lot of books, listened to a lot of podcasts, and watched a lot of movies that motivated me and inspired me to be who I am now. I never knew I had a creative version of myself.

I started creating different ideas, thoughts, visions, and anything great that I could think of. I was so bad at translating these ideas and thoughts through words and it was even so hard for me to create one article without copying and pasting before LOL.

Until I’ve realized that we can learn everything, I can learn how to write in different ways but I must expose myself. Expose myself to online courses, and tutorials, have a mentor, get more involved, communicate with people, travel, and have more experiences whether good or bad.

All to say, Opening up isn’t so bad at all especially if you know you have this inner purpose. I felt like I had this purpose to inspire people who were just like me, a person who is stuck in their comfort zones and thought that they have less to offer.

Well, this is just the start of this new journey that I am in.

Did you enjoy reading my article? I’d love to hear your feedback.

Fuel my creativity with a cup of coffee. Buy me a Coffee and let’s make something amazing together!



Ina Exmundo

Writing to Inspire! An Architect by Profession | Top 5% Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Investor | Canada based www.buymeacoffee.com/inaexmundo