10 Hard Truths You Need To Hear

Stop Doing These Things Now!

Ina Exmundo
2 min readMay 20, 2023
Photo by Sharon Waldron on Unsplash

1. Stop Freeloading

Those extra rooms in people’s houses are not meant for you to live in for free or long-term.

2. Co-signing is Serious

It’s not just a token gesture, so stop expecting others to co-sign for you.

3. Financial Dependency

Don’t rely on someone else’s success as your meal ticket; it’s unfair to place expectations on them to take care of you.

4. Money Matters

How someone spends their hard-earned money is none of your business, so stop prying into their financial affairs.

5. Irresponsible Spending

Quit spending all your money on indulgences and then expecting others to feed your habits.

6. Honor Your Debts

If you borrow money from someone, make sure you pay it back promptly and responsibly.

7. Share the Expenses

Don’t assume that if you’re invited somewhere, the other person will foot the bill for everything.

8. Respect Transportation

If you rely on others for rides, remember that gas isn’t free, so offer compensation or contribute.

9. Earn Your Success

If you admire someone who appears to have more than they need, work just as hard as they do to achieve your goals.

10. Value Your Loved Ones

Never take your loved ones for granted; appreciate and cherish them every day.

It is essential to reflect on these ten unpleasant realities and make changes as needed. We may develop healthier relationships, increase our financial well-being, and foster a stronger sense of gratitude for our loved ones by avoiding these bad behaviors and adopting a more responsible and compassionate approach.

It is never too late to reconsider our choices and make constructive changes that will lead to a happier and more satisfying life. As we traverse our personal journeys, let us endeavor to be more self-sufficient, respectful, and appreciative.

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Ina Exmundo

Writing to Inspire! An Architect by Profession | Top 5% Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Investor | Canada based www.buymeacoffee.com/inaexmundo