The Importance of Setting Realistic Goals for Impatient Individuals

Tips for those who are Losing Patience with the Process of Success

Ina Exmundo
3 min readApr 16, 2023
Photo by Apollo Reyes on Unsplash

As someone who has always been naturally impatient, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to set realistic goals.

Like many of us, I’ve often found myself setting lofty goals and then becoming frustrated when I don’t achieve them quickly enough.

But over the years, I’ve learned that setting realistic goals is essential for achieving success without burning out or giving up.

I want to share with you some of the reasons why setting realistic goals is so important for impatient individuals, as well as some strategies you can use to set more achievable objectives.

1. Setting realistic goals ensures that you don’t set yourself up for failure

The first reason why setting realistic goals is so important is that it ensures that you don’t set yourself up for failure.

When we set overly ambitious goals, we frequently fail to account for the time, resources, and effort required to achieve them.

This can result in burnout, frustration, and even abandonment.

Setting realistic goals allows you to avoid these negative consequences and instead concentrate on making steady progress toward your goals.

So how do you set realistic goals?
One strategy is to break your larger objectives into smaller, achievable milestones.

This allows you to celebrate each milestone as a victory, which can boost your motivation and confidence.

For example, if your larger goal is to lose 50 pounds, you could set a more achievable milestone of losing 5 pounds in a month.

This way, you can celebrate each milestone as a success and stay motivated toward achieving your larger objective.

2. Setting realistic goals allows you to celebrate small victories along the way

The second reason why setting realistic goals is so important is that it allows you to celebrate small victories along the way.

Impatient individuals often overlook the progress they’ve made because they’re too focused on the end goal.

However, when you set realistic goals, you can break down the larger objective into smaller, achievable milestones. This allows you to celebrate each milestone as a victory, which can boost your motivation and confidence.

For example, if your goal is to start a successful business, you could set a more realistic milestone of creating a business plan within a month.

This allows you to celebrate your progress towards your larger goal and stay motivated towards achieving success.

3. Setting realistic goals allows you to adjust your expectations and strategies as needed

The third reason why Life is unpredictable, and sometimes unexpected events can impact our ability to achieve our goals.

You can be more flexible in your approach and adjust your expectations and strategies if you set realistic goals. This enables you to remain focused on your goals while remaining adaptable to changes in your circumstances.

For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, but you experience an injury that prevents you from training as much as you’d like, you could adjust your expectation to finish the marathon at a slower time.

You can still achieve your goal in this manner but with a more realistic approach.

Setting realistic goals is essential for impatient people who want to succeed without burning out or giving up. You can avoid failure by setting realistic goals, celebrating small victories, and adjusting your approach as needed. So, take the time to assess your objectives and, if necessary, revise them.

Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

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Ina Exmundo

Writing to Inspire! An Architect by Profession | Top 5% Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Investor | Canada based