5 Top Articles You Need to Read Today

My favourite articles from this week

5 min readAug 28, 2016

I started reading a lot this year. Articles, short stories and I even picked up a book after a few years of not reading any.

I started writing and publishing articles here on Medium this year. It’s been fun and I still have plenty to learn.

Today I thought I’d share 5 of my favourite reads from this past week.

I have no affiliation with these writers.

I simply admire their work and I share them with you because they highly resonate with me. They might not appeal to you as much as they did to me, but I’m certain you will receive some value from them.

Let me know what you think in the comments below —

1. Nothing is impossible (if you know how to start…)

Jon Westenberg talks about taking the first step that gets you started. We keep thinking about our big dreams, but we forget that our dreams are only achieved by taking one step at a time. Knowing how to start will set you apart from the people that stay dreaming.

Your first steps matter. But what those first steps actually ~are, and whether they’re the wrong or right steps, that’s not entirely important. The important part is just having a first step to begin with, and taking it, and learning from it.

2. Why Practice Matters Just as Much If not More Than Performance

In this article Srinivas Rao writes about becoming a master at what you practice. To master something and become the best at what we do, we need to put in the work. We need to practice. Srinivas gives an example about how a band may perform 50 times for a tour, but they would practice 500 times so they nail the performances. This is similar to athletes who practice and prepare for one big race.

Practice is a decision that we must make, that helps us focus on the process.

The only way you could succeed at this was to fall in love with the process, to practice every day. It’s a lesson that was drilled into me over and over in the 9 years I played the Tuba.

3. Keep fighting — You can turn this around!

I really enjoyed this short and inspiring post written by Lalaina Rackson. It motivated me to want to keep fighting for what I want to achieve. It reminded me that I have the power to change my own life.

This read reminds us to never give up and wake up to the fact that we’re here for a reason. We matter.

I hope it inspires you to keep fighting too.

So whoever you are, you reading this, please keep fighting. Keep fighting for your voice to be heard, because your voice matters. Don’t you dare give up! You have the ability to do so much for this world if you just allow yourself!

4. Slow Down: You’re Not Falling Behind

Darius Foroux one of the great writers on Medium, writes about why we need to stop being impatient and take a step back.

Something we all have to realise that we had to take every step of the way to get to where we are now. Hardships define our character.

The road that you traveled turns you into the person you are today.


My favourite read this week was from Gary Vaynerchuk. This was published months ago, but I only got my eyes on it this week.

Gary speaks about a human based company culture and how he puts his employees first to build relationships and trust with them. He writes about how he’s running a ‘HR-driven organisation’.

Every employee has different motivations and they’re all at different stages of life. Gary explains that due to all his employees being different he needs to find out what motivates them and he does that by building trust with them (some examples are simple hi’s and winks in the hallway).

This was my favourite article this week because I believe that any company who puts their employees first with strong focus on HR, will succeed because happy employees lead to increased productivity, focus and results.

I truly believe that the continuity of a great team trumps everything. It’s just like in sports — a team that has been playing together for a long time usually beats a group of superstars that came together for just a season. And that’s what I aspire to build at VaynerMedia, a team that’s built to win for decades based on the continuity they have with one another.

Did you enjoy these articles? Let me know what you read this week and if these articles resonated with you, in the comments below. I’d love to hear what you think about them.

Thanks for reading, you’re awesome.

If this post can help just one person, I would be ecstatic.

If you enjoyed this post, please hit the green heart to recommend it — that would mean the world to me. If there’s anyone you think that may benefit from reading this post, please don’t hesitate to share it. I promise I’ll try not to hunt you down..

Let me know what you think about my post, in the comments below. Or you can reach out to me on Twitter if you like. I’d love to hear your perspective on achieving happiness and chasing your dreams. I would also appreciate any thoughts on my writing, especially on how to make it better. It would mean a lot to me.




The journey of sharing 1000 life experiences, begins with a single story. Follow me on my journey @inahids #JourneyToHappiness