What Story Will You Tell?

Life Is One Big Story

2 min readMay 22, 2017


Every day we hear stories about passion. Stories about art. Stories about ambition. Stories that entertain.

There are stories we share, stories we remember and stories we hold dearly.

The stories we tell help us connect with each other. They help someone experience the same moment we did. We use stories to teach lessons, share powerful moments and shine light on our life experiences.

Our stories reveal who we are.

When we live “for the moment”, or when we do crazy things and go wild, it’s part of our story. It’s the unforgettable moments that remind you of your true self.

Without stories and without these moments, our lives would be dull and uneventful.

That’s why I always try to remember that my life is a story. When I look back I want to be able pass on valuable lessons to my kids and grandkids through stories and tell them about all the stupid shit I got up to. I want to tell them about all the moments that brought me joy. I want to tell them stories about when I overcame fear and persevered through the tough times.

I want to tell them the stories that make me, me.




The journey of sharing 1000 life experiences, begins with a single story. Follow me on my journey @inahids #JourneyToHappiness