Non-verbal Communication:
kinesics, oculesics, proxemics, haptics
(+ gestures, physical appearance, artifacts)

3 min readOct 7, 2023

Chapter Report III by Lisna 12522136

Non-verbal communication is multimodal and multifunctional in nature serving many functions. It is closely linked to how we feel about our relationships with others and how we manage those relationships. In interpersonal interaction, nonverbal messages can be found in facial expressions, eyes, body language, touching as well as clothing, tone of voice, posture and even spatial distance.

The general codes for nonverbal communication : kinesics, vocalics, proxemics, haptics, physical appearance and artifacts, olfactics, music, chronemics, and space.

Example :


Kinesics a scientififc of body language or gesture, The term “kinesics” was developed by the American anthropologist Ray L. BirdwhistellOpens in new window, who used slow-motion films of conversations to analyze speakers’ behaviours.


Paralanguage is the technical term for the voice cues that accompany spoken words. It is concerned with the sound of the voice and the range of meanings that people convey through their voices rather than the words they use. For example, the word “Yes”, can completely convey different meanings, even in the exact same sentence, depending on how it is said — whether it is spoken sincerely or sarcastically.


Proxemics in nonverbal communication involves the signals we show with our body language and the space we create. If we stand farther away from someone, we communicate nonverbally that we don’t feel very close or safe with them. If we get close to another person, we communicate to them that we would like a more intimate relationship or feel safe with them.

Clothing and Appearance

Clothing is a language, a nonverbal system of communication. People often use clothing to signify their age, gender, political views, and economic status. Clothing and appearance send a message. It can communicate something about our socio-economic status.


Artifacts are forms of decorative ornamentation that are chosen to represent self-concept. They can include rings and tattoos, but may also include brand names and logos. From clothes to cars, watches, briefcases, purses, and even eyeglasses, what we choose to surround ourselves with communicates something about our sense of self. Artifacts may project gender, role or position, class or status, personality, and group membership or affiliation.


Haptics is a form of non- verbal communication using a sense of touch. Some forms of Haptics communication is Handshake, or a gentle pat on back, or a high five.The sense of touch allows one to experience different sensations.

