The First Civil Battle Of the Roman Empire

Inaya Sen
3 min read4 days ago

Part 2

As Emperor dangerously ignorant to the spreading revolt on the rine Otto had missed the news that even more Legions spreading to the armies of Britannia Gaul and rtia had joined his Challenger now marching on Rome vitellius and his men found themselves face to with the Defenders of not galba.

But Otto this would serve as little deterrent however and vellus was still ready for war in a drastic and wildly unforeseen turn of events auto responded by taking his own life he is said to have declared it far more just to perish one for all than many for one it’s believed that realizing the Great possibil ility of a full-fledged Civil War at hand Otto chose to end his own life spare the lives of all those who’d fight for him Rome had already seen an exhausting amount of Civil War and the emperor just couldn’t bring himself to cause yet another and so in death Otto earned great respect and adoration but it was in death and yet again that year the role of princeps had changed hands Otto had reigned 3 months and now it would be vitus’s turn all accounts of vitus’s Reign can be questioned.

as to their fairness but still none regard him as much of a beloved ruler he is known to have expanded the petorian guard utilizing his own men opening up the Imperial administration offices to the equitz Banning astrologers from Rome…

