A Closer Look at Humanity’s Newest Superpower- BCI’s

Inayat Kang
8 min readNov 8, 2023


This is German Aldana Zuniga, and for the first time in his life, he no longer feels limited because of his disability. He has no control over his hands, arms, or legs, yet he is driving a NASCAR racecar, all without physically touching a thing. Instead, it’s his thoughts that command the car.

Zuniga first learned he wouldn’t be able to walk or use his arms when he was 16 after injuring his spinal cord in a car crash. Like countless others in similar situations, he felt limited and pushed down mentally he had lost his sense of independence.

Now, with the help of BCI technology, he is not only able to drive cars but also brush his teeth, open doors and everything he once imagined was impossible.

A chip is implanted into his brain that detects the electrical signals generated by his thoughts and feeds it to a computer that controls the racecar. When German thinks about moving his hand forward on the gear shift, it generates an electrical signal, like a unique fingerprint- that is associated with that thought. This information is captured by an electrode placed on the surface of a German’s brain and sent as a digital signal to a computer. It recognizes the electrical ‘fingerprint’ and transmits it to the throttle in the car, allowing it to drive forward.

After witnessing the incredible potential of BCI technology in his own life, he’s now on a new path in computer science. He aims to use his skills to create brain-powered devices that can help people like him regain their mobility.

German(on the wheelchair) works with a lab to collect electrical signals from his brain

Their Stories:

Nina can turn disco lights on and use computers with her mind- It’s magic for a 9 year old!
Olvia was able to create artwork despite having no control of her hands
Jan is able to eat chocolate by using her mind to guide the robotic arm 😋

It's their smiles that allow those working on BCI to sense the impact of their efforts.

The remarkable world of Brain-Computer Interfaces, where boundaries between human potential and technology continue to merge, offers new horizons for those who’ve dared to dream beyond their physical constraints.

Let’s break down what these marvels of technology are and how they work.

Crash Course: BCI Technology

In the simplest terms, BCI is a technology that interprets the electrical signals from the brain to communicate with other devices, such as a computer or prosthetic limb.

BCI technology works in simple steps:

Brain Signals: Sensors detect electrical signals (brainwaves) generated by the brain.

Signal Processing: These signals are processed by a computer to extract meaningful information.

Commands: The computer translates the processed signals into commands or actions.

Device Control: These commands control external devices, like a computer cursor or a robotic arm.

Feedback: Feedback from the device or user helps refine the process.

The core of this technology all comes down to one thing: communication between the brain and external devices- like a computer. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, with the most common being Electroencephalography (EEG) and Electrocorticography (ECoG).

EEG: Think of EEG as the ‘outer microphone’ of BCIs. It involves placing electrodes on the scalp to record electrical activity generated by neurons. These recordings provide a relatively high-level understanding of brain activity, making it a non-invasive ( they don’t go inside the brain) and cost-effective option. EEG-based BCIs are often used for tasks like controlling computer cursors, spellers, or even robotic limbs.

Several companies, including Muse, Neurable, and Emotiv, have been at the forefront of EEG technology development, working to enhance its capabilities and address these limitations.

However, some downsides do exist:

Large Area: EEG provides a broad but imprecise view of brain activity and struggles to pinpoint exact brain regions due to its scalp-based recording.

Sensitivity: It is also highly sensitive to external noise and artifacts, making it prone to data disturbances.

Only on the surface: Since EEG captures surface brain functions, it cannot access deeper brain structures.

ECoG: On the other hand, ECoG represents the ‘direct speaker.’ It requires the surgical placement of electrodes on the surface of the brain, beneath the skull (making them invasive. This method offers a more detailed and specific insight into brain activity compared to EEG. ECoG-based BCIs are particularly beneficial for people with severe motor impairments, enabling them to regain fine motor control.


  1. Invasive: ECoG requires brain surgery for electrode placement, which carries surgical risks.
  2. Limited Area: ECoG offers a localized view, covering only a small brain area, potentially missing broader brain interactions.
  3. $💵 $: ECoG is expensive and specialized, limiting its accessibility for research and non-clinical use.

Companies like Blackrock, and Cortera Neurotechnologies have played key roles in the development and advancement of ECoG technology, aiming to overcome these challenges and make it more accessible for various applications.

fMRI and fNIR are emerging technologies that are sneaking their way into real-world applications.

fMRI is like a window into the mind. It works by measuring changes in blood flow to different areas of the brain. When a specific part of the brain becomes more active, it requires more oxygen, leading to an increase in blood flow to that area. fMRI captures these changes, creating detailed maps of brain activity. This technology has allowed us to better understand which regions of the brain are involved in various tasks and functions. Researchers and healthcare professionals use fMRI to study brain disorders, map brain functions, and detect abnormalities in the brain.

fMRI scan of an individual brain showing areas with increased blood flow

fNIR is a less common but equally fascinating technology. It operates on the principle of near-infrared light, which can penetrate the human skull and is sensitive to changes in blood oxygenation. fNIRS uses light sensors placed on the scalp to measure the concentration of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the brain’s blood vessels. This information helps researchers monitor brain activity in real time.

fNIRS is particularly valuable for studying brain functions in infants- it’s non-invasive and more comfortable

A New Era of Treatment

Around 15% of people worldwide experience some kind of disability. So, chances are, we all either know someone or have come across someone who deals with physical challenges like difficulty moving, vision problems, or hearing loss.

As this statistic suggests, many people around the world face the daily realities of living with disabilities.

Many people facing these challenges often struggle with a sense of limited independence, making them feel they aren’t able to live their lives to the fullest. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness because of their physical limitations. The effects of these disabilities can be quite overwhelming.

This is where BCI technology is leaving its mark. It’s giving people with disabilities the chance to rewrite their own stories and enjoy life without the limitations they once faced.

Here’s how they are set to transform the lives of those with disabilities:

1. Enhanced Mobility: Picture BCIs as the ‘power steering’ for those with physical disabilities, turning everyday challenges into exhilarating adventures. Paralysis or limb loss becomes no match for the potential to control robotic exoskeletons, wheelchairs, or prosthetic limbs with the power of your thoughts.

Controlling a wheelchair using electrical signals transmitted by his brain

2. Communication Breakthroughs: BCIs are the ‘wizard’s wand’ of communication for individuals with speech disorders. Indivudals with conditions like ALS or locked-in syndrome are able to communicate and send messages via thoughts.

This man who has lost the ability to control his body is typing on computer using BCI

3. Mind Rehabilitation: BCIs serve as the ‘gym trainers’ for mental recovery, making rehabilitation after neurological injuries or strokes feel like a rapid supercharge. This would allow the human body to snap back form injuries much faster than current day.

4. Seizure Prediction and Control: BCIs act as watchdogs, keeping a vigilant eye on brain activity in real time. This enables them to predict and, in some cases, even prevent seizures, offering a new lease on life for those living with epilepsy. It uses EEG and fMRIS.

Neuralinks Impact

Neuralink is one of the many companies leading the charge in applying BCI technology. It is a neurotechnology company aiming to create advanced BCIs that can bridge the gap between the human brain and computers or other devices, enabling direct communication between the two. These interfaces have the potential to transform various aspects of healthcare and human-computer interaction.

Their power tool: the N1 chip.

The N1 chip is a crucial component in Neuralink’s BCI technology. It’s a neural implant that is surgically inserted into the brain and is designed to interface with neurons to record and stimulate neural activity. This tiny chip carries the weight of significant change. It stands out due to its small size, high precision, durability, and wireless connectivity.

Sparking the flame for change

The future for individuals with disabilities is looking brighter than ever. As BCIs keep getting better, the connection between the human mind and technology is set to become a vital part of healthcare, opening up countless possibilities for a future that’s more inclusive and promising. This isn’t just about the future of healthcare; it’s about empowerment and connection for everyone.

Individuals at the forefront of BCI technology are now closer than ever to making this technology widely accessible. Imagine if we could easily connect to our phones by merely thinking about it, have our unique brainwaves serve as unbreakable passwords, control smart devices, play music, or even write messages using our thoughts. By leveraging BCI technology in our daily lives, we essentially gain a superpower.

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Inayat Kang

16 year old science enthusiast from Calgary passionate about a sustainable and optimistic future