Presenting — “Chainbusters”

The 1st Online Public Roundtable Discussion Series Powered by inblox Events
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2020


What is #Chainbusters?

Chainbusters is a unique Online Roundtable series on #crypto and #blockchain created by Inblox Events.

The roundtable has been designed to bring together some of the brightest Indian minds in the blockchain industry during this global lockdown to thrash their heads together and brainstorm about the current situation and establish objectives for themselves, as an individual, as a group, as partners, as community leaders and for the community at large.

Why “Chainbusters”?

It is the personification of the people in the Indian blockchain and the Crypto community.

Who are the “Chainbusters”?

This roundtable is for all those outliers in the Indian Blockchain and Crypto industry.

They are the ones who kept walking this path when the going was tough.

They are the ones that:

  • Stood their grounds in their chosen business,
  • Fought with the authorities for their rights,
  • Made the right noise regarding the rights and wrongs about the industry
  • Advocated for the adoption of blockchain constantly
  • Are standing for transparency in money, data, and information.
  • Kept BUIDLing, kept Hustling!

They are the Chainbusters!

People who are disrupting the Indian blockchain industry in their own way.

People who are making a dent in the Indian Blockchain and Crypto Universe.

The Roundtable Series

It is not going to be the run-of-the-mill panel discussions we usually witness — where a moderator is asking questions and the panelists answering them.

Here every speaker is a driver of a conversation. All driven towards a common objective of their topic of discussion. This freewheeling chat between #thoughtleaders such as yourself will make a huge difference in the Indian #Blockchain & #Crypto space.

A mind-blowing brainstorming between some of the industry movers & shakers. And yes, unlike usual #roundtables, which are usually private discussion, this one might have an audience listening in.

The Roundtable Calendar

We are going to break new ground this week. The following is the entire 7 Day #Chainbusters Roundtable Discussion #blitzkrieg.

More on these individual events in subsequent blogs. Each of them have been conducted already and has been recorded. We are hopefully going to upload them on our YouTube channel soon.

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