You are the sum of your network

The Ethos of building communities

Inblox Events


“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”

— Michele Jennae

As Porter Gale said — “Your network is your net worth” — it becomes imperative for those seeking growth in whatever they do, to seek and build a network. Science has also demonstrated that successful businesses and people are often those who rely heavily on the power of networking.

Building a belief system

In order to pursue opportunities in any industry, be it a job, partnership or investments, connecting with leaders or professionals is critical to the growth. However, this can be an exhausting exercise — and, in the flurry of things that you might just have to do for your organization, networking might just be the last thing you want to do.

At inblox, — we believe that a person is the sum of his whole network. It applies to businesses too — especially those who have just started up and are seeking partnerships, investments as well as manpower — to connect and engage with each other.

Building an Ethos for a community

What sustains communities are relationship networks.

Building relationships starts from empowering people; providing them the necessary information and facilitating them to start building or contributing to the network. Only then can we expect an impact that brings about a change in the dynamics of society and business.

Blockchain is bringing about a change in societies and slowly transforming the world too. It is a global engine that is working efficiently and surviving due to the contributions of the individual networks. This is an industry best suited for growing your product, project, service, business, by utilizing the ethos of a network.

Characteristics for your ethos

Whether you are working on an open-source project, a decentralized application (DApp), a crypto trading exchange or a new layer of a blockchain protocol — you will need to essentially build upon four main characteristics while defining your ethos:

  1. Trustworthiness: Your network will most likely respect you when they think what you’re saying is true. This view of your trustworthiness is formed when they look at the following:
  • values and ethical practices you follow;
  • your honesty and genuine nature in all your dealings with the public and away from it;
  • whether you are compassionate at all or not;
  • and last but not the least, your generosity in sharing knowledge and experiences without any prejudice.

2. Relating to the community: The community will relate to you if they see someone embody their outlook and vision in some way. You have to know your community members well and listen to them. There are various modes these days in which you can keep a finger on the pulse of the network.

3. Position of Authority: The community/network will look up to you because you hold a position of authority in the industry. How you carry yourself while doing that will make a huge difference. Your image in front of an audience as well as away from them will go a long way in defining your position.

4. Subject Matter Expertise: Your reputation as a subject matter expertise will depend on the command and knowledge you have on your chosen line of work. Everything will matter -

  • past and present achievements
  • verifiable experience in this area
  • contributions in the area

Improving your ethos

Engagement with your community improves the way they view you.

Your ethos is a combination of the above. So while you must focus on your core competencies, in order to build a network of believers in your project or work, you have to reflect your community’s aspirations. Communities are built by people many of whom will have pre-conceived notions and perceptions based on what they have read or heard somewhere.

These notions and perceptions can be changed. Initiating this change and improving your ethos requires a concerted effort to engage with your network members and making them realize, gauge and experience the ethos that you demonstrate.

Some of this engagement is digital in nature, through your articles, blogs, appearances in media, growth stories published elsewhere, and also the product or service you have built. However, we believe that the effect is stronger when people meet face-to-face and experience first hand your ethos.

The inblox ethos

It is this experience that we are designed to create. So while you are working on your product and service, we will do all the heavy lifting towards building your network. We will provide a multitude of opportunities to you to find the right partner, employee or investor and build your network.

We are not just providing an infrastructure to — Meet, Learn, Network and Grow — we are building a tree of relationships that we hope will transcend the traditional business boundaries and create new individual self-sustaining ecosystems.


Inbox Events is an infrastructure-as-a-service provider working towards enabling two cogs of the same wheel. We are bringing together — the builders -projects, protocols, trainers, writers, DApps, exchanges; and the communities — users, enthusiasts, students, professionals, developers and the rest.

We organize events in different formats to make sure there are increased interactions in the blockchain and crypto space.

Join us in our endeavour if you want to get a relationship started.

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Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash



Inblox Events

India’s premier community enabling platform for emerging technologies, providing the time and space to build networks of believers!