Randy T
3 min readMay 9, 2019

Manipulation of Search Results of our wiki by a possible Google Engineer on Twitter

It was the morning of May 8, 2019. I was doing my daily SEO checkup on our Wiki, called the Incel Wiki. All of our featured snippets were missing and the administrator of the wiki, which is Will, and many of other wiki editors that make our team was surprised. As the system administrator and co-owner of this wiki, I tried to dig to see what could have caused this problem overnight. I couldn’t find anything on my end, but what I found on Twitter was absolutely astonishing.

This is what the result has been for a while now. I don’t see how it’s suddenly become “problematic” now.

I’m not surprised to see that Pat Dennis is a Research Director at a democratic PAC. His bio mentions opposition research, so I can only assume that he does opposition research for the American Bridge PAC. Upon further research, I found the following statement on the Bridge Project website, which appears to be the American Bridge official website.

Bridge Project is dedicated to exposing the conservative movement’s dishonest tactics, dismantling its extreme ideology, and shining light on the moneyed special interests that fund it.

I think it’s a good time to remind people that the wiki is run independently from our main forum. We have people of all ideologies on the forum and on the Wiki staff. The main administrator of our Wiki is a Democrat. Trying to align us as being a far-right group would be incorrect and would be an obvious smear to attempt censorship of our site.

It’s a shame that these political operatives are doing everything they can to try to suppress our Wiki and probably many other sites using this tactic. Our site isn’t even political. We’re just a few guys that are trying to write factual information about Incels so we created the Incel Wiki.

William pointed out this to me around noon on May 8th and I was really surprised to see that this tweet has gone semi-viral, but then we noticed something else, too.

We noticed a Twitter user that goes by the name of “jukt micronics” on twitter saying that the problem was going to be “quickly fixed” and a convoluted explanation of the reason why this happened pretty much sums up to “Different words mean different things to different people.”

This is what happens when you let a tech monopoly like Google run amok.

Why would a supposed Google Engineer manipulate and delist many of our pages? We assume that this was the only guy behind it, but it could have been anyone.

I think that most people think that Google shouldn’t be manually manipulating search results if they wish to continue being a platform and not a publisher. Google has a very long history of manipulating search results and nothing has happened so far.

This is only more proof that the government needs to step in and regulate these tech monopolies. They can not be trusted with their powers, and they will continue to censor their ideological enemies as long as no one can stop them.