JavaScript Variables for Beginners

Manish Salunke
2 min readJan 4, 2023

In JavaScript, variables are used to store data. They are like containers that can hold any type of data, such as numbers, strings, or objects.

To declare a variable in JavaScript, you use the var keyword followed by the name of the variable. For example

var message;

You can also assign a value to the variable when you declare it.

var message = 'Hello, world!';

In modern JavaScript, you can also use the let and const keywords to declare variables. The let keyword is similar to var, but it has stricter rules for when you can reassign a value to a variable. The const keyword is used for variables that cannot be reassigned.

let score = 0;
score = 1; // Okay
const name = 'John';
name = 'Jane'; // Error: Cannot reassign a constant variable

It’s important to choose the right keyword when declaring variables in JavaScript. Using var can lead to unexpected behavior, especially when working with closures or loops. let and const are generally preferred because they have more predictable behavior.

In addition to the keywords, you can also use the var, let, and const declarations without assignment. This is called a "declaration without initialization", and the variables will be initialized with the value undefined.

var x; // x is undefined
let y; // y is undefined
const z; // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

It’s a good idea to always initialize your variables with a value, even if it’s just null. This helps prevent bugs and makes your code easier to understand.

That’s the basics of JavaScript variables! Remember to choose the right keyword (var, let, or const) and always initialize your variables with a value.

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