Udemy Free Courses List [2023]

Your Ultimate Guide to Upgrading Your Skills with Free Udemy Courses in 2023

Manish Salunke
8 min readJan 30, 2023
Udemy Free Courses List [2023]
Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

I am passionate about empowering my followers to reach their full potential. So, I have created a blog dedicated to finding the best free Udemy courses available in 2023! This comprehensive resource includes the following categories:

Udemy Free Web Development Course
Udemy Free IT Software Courses
Udemy Free Personal Transformation Courses
Udemy Free Microsoft Courses
Udemy free programming language courses
Udemy Free Network and Security Course

Anyone who wants to learn new skills or who wants to deepen the knowledge they have now will enjoy this blog.

This blog is updated from time to time with the latest information on Udemy’s free courses.

Udemy Free Web Development Courses

Udemy Free Web Development Courses
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Udemy free web development courses. This category includes courses focused on website and web application development. Covers a variety of topics including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, you can improve your skills by finding a course that fits your needs.

  1. HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals
  2. Git & GitHub Crash Course: Create a Repository From Scratch!
  3. Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  4. How To Build And Make A Wordpress Website From Scratch 2022
  5. You can create Incredible Websites with HTML CSS learn how
  6. [2023] Emmet: Pisz Szybszy i Wydajniejszy Kod HTML i CSS!
  7. Programming for Entrepreneurs — JavaScript
  8. Learn How to MAKE a WordPress Website — PROFESSIONAL
  9. CSS Flexbox — Mastering the Basics
  10. Build and Deploy Your First Decentralized App with Etherem
  11. Get to know HTML Learn HTML Basics
  12. EMMET Faster HTML & CSS workflow — Best Tool For Developers
  13. Fundamentos de Programación Web para Principiantes
  14. Getting Started with Angular 2+
  15. Introduction to Bootstrap 3
  16. AWS:はじめてのAmazon Web Services
  17. JSP (Java server pages) and servlet basics
  18. How to Create a Listing or Directory Website with WordPress
  19. Infinite Scroll Project AJAX MySQL API PHP jQuery
  20. Create Your First Wordpress Site in Under an Hour
  21. Desarrollo Web con HMTL, CSS y Bootstrap 4! Curso desde cero
  22. Code a ‘Coming Soon’ Landing Page in Bootstrap 4
  23. Apprendre à créer des sites professionnels avec HTML5 et CSS
  24. Découvrir Javascript en 30 minutes
  25. React JS: La biblioteca de JS creada por Facebook
  26. Основы HTML и CSS с нуля
  27. Introduction au Développement Web
  28. Основы веб разработки. HTML и CSS
  29. Guida pratica ai form html5
  30. Basic HTML5 Eğitim Seti
  31. Обзор Frontend и Backend технологий
  32. Kodlama Bilmeden Web Sitesi Yapma | Blogger Dersleri
  33. A’dan Z’ye Bootstrap 4
  34. Curso de FlexBox desde 0
  35. Tienda en línea con WordPress y WooCommerce — Guía Completa
  36. Hébergement, noms de domaine — Mettre un site en ligne
  37. Créez votre premier site web Responsive en HTML et CSS
  38. WebVR — Realidad Virtual con A-Frame para principiantes
  39. Cómo Programar para Emprendedores — JavaScript
  40. 網頁開發體驗課
  41. Electron.js ile Masaüstü Uygulama Yapımına Giriş
  42. NestJS: Node + Typescript al estilo Angular para crear APIS
  43. Aprende Laravel — Modelos, Migraciones, Rutas, Vistas, etc
  44. WordPress pentru incepatori: cum sa creezi un site de la 0
  45. CSS و HTML تطوير واجهات المواقع باستخدام
  46. HTML tutorial : from Beginner to Advanced
  47. Symfony 3 en producción — Subir y publicar proyectos web
  48. Pengenalan Django Web Framework Python untuk Pemula
  49. WordPress — 5 formas de hacer una migración exitosa
  50. Телеграм Бот с помощью NodeJs и Firebase Cloud Functions
  51. Aprenda Markdown
  52. Основы HTML Базовый курс от Web Atom
  53. Como Instalar o WordPress em Localhost
  54. Blogger Course For Beginners in Urdu
  55. Aprende a usar el servicio Rest en Drupal 7
  56. Curso Django 2.2 | Creando un Acortador URL
  57. Vue入门基础(vue js)
  58. Webページを作成しよう!これから始める「HTML超入門」
  59. WordPress Gutenberg: Introducción al nuevo editor
  60. Integrações Gerencianet Pagamentos

Udemy Free IT Software Courses

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Udemy Free IT Software Courses. This category is designed for IT professionals and hobbyists who want to learn about different software tools and applications. Topics covered include project management, data analysis, database management, and cloud computing. You can find courses covering popular software such as Microsoft Office and Google Workspace.

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) — Zero to Hero
  2. Programming 101
  3. Spark Starter Kit
  4. Protect Your Online Identity with Great Passwords
  5. Vim, aumenta tu velocidad de desarrollo
  6. Make WordPress Hosting Easy with Plesk on Amazon Lightsail
  7. Make WordPress Hosting Easy with Plesk on DigitalOcean
  8. App Center: Continuous Integration and Delivery for iOS
  9. Yazılıma İlk Adım : Akış Diyagramları Eğitimi
  10. دورة اختبار اختراق تطبيقات الويب
  11. 亚马逊云计算AWS入门
  12. 9 fórmulas muito usadas no Excel .
  13. Konumun Gücü
  14. Aprende PHP desde Cero — Nivel Básico
  15. Qtum Introductory Course
  16. ARKit BasketBall: Create Your First AR App Using ARKit
  17. Crea un videojuego como Flappy Bird desde 0
  18. Aprende SQL Developer Básico en 30 minutos (Introducción)
  19. GIMP: o editor de imagens gratuito para Windows, Linux e Mac
  20. Excel básico 2013/2016
  21. SketchUp Básico Completo
  22. SAP — Visão Geral — Processo Make to Stock
  23. Agile 101 بالعربي
  24. Blockchain for beginners in Bangla | বাংলা | ব্লকচেইন
  25. いますぐはじめる観光のデジタル化
  26. Creación de Geoportales en Tiempo Real con ArcGIS
  27. Shopware User Training
  28. 無料版Adobe Premiere Proで動画編集の基礎を学ぶぞぃ
  29. CYPETHERM Loads
  30. CYPE IFCBuilder
  31. Introducción a Fontanería con REVIT MEP!
  32. Adobe After Effects で作るオーディオスペクトラム講座

Udemy Free Personal Transformation Courses

Udemy Free Personal Transformation Courses
Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

Udemy Free Personal Transformation Courses (Free). This category includes courses that help individuals grow and realize happiness. There are various courses such as Mind Fluness, Leadership, Communication Skills, and Stress Management. You can find courses that will help you reach your goals, whether it’s career advancement, better relationships, or peace of mind.

  1. Learn Mindfulness Meditation for a Calmer and Clearer mind
  2. Morning Meditation | Best Guided Meditation Under 10 Minutes
  3. Foundation Skills for a Successful Meditation Practice
  4. How to Change Your Thinking & become more Positive
  5. Change Agility in the Workplace: Become a Change Agent
  6. Mindset Makeover Training (Powerful Techniques & Meditation)
  7. Ultimate Goal Setting and Achieving
  8. Meditation For Being In Present Moment — 5 Present Breaths
  9. Goal Setting: Discover, organise and achieve your goals
  10. Minimalism: Simplify Your Life
  11. Reframing your life
  12. Transform Your Mind — Transform Your Life
  13. 2020: How To Get Crystal Crystal Clear on Your Goals & Plans
  14. Beginners Guide to Meditation
  15. La Ley del Propósito: una Vida con Sentido
  16. GRATIS! Desenvolvendo Inteligência Emocional
  17. Autoconocimiento desde Cero
  18. Positividade e Inteligência Emocional
  19. Autoliderazgo en 3 pasos
  20. Organize sua mente
  21. Introdução À Lei Da Atração
  22. Eleva a tua vida com PNL
  23. Reinventa tu vida con herramientas de coaching
  24. Cómo vivir de tu pasión si eres terapeuta, coach, formador..
  25. Os 5 passos da liberdade mental
  26. Vencendo Crenças Limitantes
  27. Como usar a EFT e os Florais para tratar estados emocionais

Udemy Free Microsoft Courses

Udemy Free Microsoft Courses
Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

Udemy Free Microsoft Courses. This category includes courses that focus on the Microsoft platform and various products such as Windows, Office, and Azure. This category is ideal for IT professionals and students who want to learn about Microsoft technologies and improve their skills in these areas.

  1. PowerPoint for Beginners — Program & Animation Basics FREE
  2. Basitten İleriye Excel
  3. Excel Dizi Formülleri
  4. Super Intensivo Excel Básico a Avanzado 2019 GRATIS
  5. 【Excel超入門者 限定】本やセミナーを買う前に、最低限これだけは知っておきたい25の機能を速習する90分の無料ツアー
  6. Zeiterfassung in Microsoft Excel: Stundenzettel erstellen
  7. Excel VBA[第0弾]ゲームでわかる、マクロVBAプログラミング超入門~作りながら「楽しい!」を実感する2時間講義
  8. Etkileyici Sunum Hazırlama İpuçları
  9. Corso Excel Introduttivo Gratuito: Muovi i Tuoi Primi Passi
  10. Microsoft Excel Pivot-Crash-Kurs
  11. Derinlemesine Excel Vlookup ve Index-Match fonksiyonları
  12. Excel para estatística — Grátis
  13. Excel для Начинающих
  14. Excel — Teste de Proficiência
  15. Microsoft PowerPoint para quem não sabe nada de PowerPoint
  16. VBAを独学する初心者のためのエラー・デバッグ入門 マクロ作りの効率が2倍になる60分速習コース
  17. Excel(エクセル)の関数に特化したコース!基本的な関数をイチからしっかり学習!さらに多くの関数を学ぼう!
  18. 2020年代のExcel術 新関数「XLOOKUP」、スピル、データ抽出や並べ替えは関数だけで自動化。近未来のエクセル術
  19. 【ここから始める】アクセス基礎コース アクセスの初心者でも安心このコースからAccessを始めよう!
  20. 初めてのPowerPoint(パワーポイント)コース パワポを習得して素敵なプレゼンテーション資料を作成しよう!
  21. 【超初心者向け】マクロ・VBAで業務改善・生産性を向上させるためのスタートライン
  22. Microsoft Word: Wissenschaftliche Arbeit formatieren

Udemy Free Programming Languages Courses

Udemy Free Programming Languages Courses
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A free programming language course on Udemy. This category covers a variety of programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, you can find courses to learn a new language or improve your existing skills.

  1. Programming for Kids — How to Make Coding Fun
  2. C#を勉強する順番
  3. Particle Swarm Optimization in MATLAB
  4. Escalate Scala Training — Setup Instructions
  5. Programmazione con Python in 90 minuti
  6. Java Grundlagen — Einsteigerkurs für Programmier Neulinge
  7. Основы Python 3
  8. Conceitos de Programação em Shell Script (Curso Gratuito)
  9. Introducción a Java desde cero
  10. Apprends GRATUITEMENT et FACILEMENT les bases du C++
  11. Python 3 Asynchronous Programming异步编程简单入门
  12. Estructuras de datos en R [nivel básico] en Español
  13. Java Basic: OOP with Java
  14. C# e Windows Forms: Consultar CEP no WebService dos Correios
  15. JavaScript دليل احتراف لغة
  16. Основы C# с нуля
  17. Learn C++ from Scratch in Hindi Urdu
  18. C# e Windows Forms: Encurtando URLs com a API do Bitly
  19. Java Basic: GUI and MVC
  20. Ask Django 와 함께 장고걸스 심화 튜토리얼 따라하기 ( django, 장고 ) — Free
  21. Next Level Javascript in Bangla | From ES5 to ESNext | বাংলা

Udemy Free Network and Security Courses

Udemy Free Network and Security Courses
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Udemy free network and security course. This category includes courses focused on computer networks and cybersecurity. Topics such as network design, network management, cyber threats, and cyber security best practices are covered. Whether you’re an IT professional, student, or simply interested in the field, you’ll find courses to help you learn more about network and security technologies.

  1. AWS VPC Transit Gateway — Hands On Learning!
  2. Security Awareness Campaigns (Lite)
  3. Jupyter Notebook Server with AWS EC2 and AWS VPC
  4. Siber Güvenlik -Gökhan Muharremoğlu ile Etik Hacking/Savunma
  5. Sensu — Introduction
  6. Temel Seviye Network Eğitimi | Bilgisayar Ağlarına İlk Adım
  7. DNS ve İnternetin Sırları Eğitimi
  8. Redes de Computadores — Começando
  9. Escaneo de redes Informáticas con Nmap
  10. Devenir un Expert IT et décrochez toutes les CERTIFICATIONS
  11. اساسيات كالي لينكس
  12. Азы цифровой безопасности
  13. الشبكات كما يراها المخترقين
  14. أدارة كالي لينكس
  15. Breve Introdução aos Exploits para Hackers e Pentest
  16. الطريق الى أمن المعلومات


Alright, so here’s the wrap-up of my blog all about finding the best free Udemy courses of 2023.

Whether you’re interested in web dev, IT software, personal growth, Microsoft, programming languages, or network security, I’ve got you covered with my comprehensive list of free courses.

Whether you’re a complete newbie or just want to brush up on your skills, these Udemy courses are a great place to start.

So if you’re ready to level up and reach your full potential, head on over to my blog and start discovering the amazing world of free Udemy courses!

And make sure to hit that follow & clap button for more updates like this in the future.

