Usability Testing Report : Optimizing User Experience in ShopeeFood

Nisa Indahsari
7 min readFeb 7, 2023



Welcome to my article! My name is Nisa, a freelancing UI/UX designer. I’d like to share with you my findings and observations from a recent study I did on Shopeefood for a usability testing project. This project is one of the assignments given by a mentor from bootcamp.


Usability testing is the practice of testing how easy a design is to use with a group of representative users. Before conducting the usability testing, I conducted research and created the design plan. The results of the research can be read below.

Link UI/UX reaserch case study — shopeefood


  1. Identifying whether the new Shopeefood design makes it easier for users to search for food, communicate with sellers, view food descriptions, and selecting food until the checkout process.
  2. Identifying user pain points in searching for food, communicating with sellers, viewing food descriptions, and selecting food until the checkout process.
  3. Identifying user feedback about the added feature of food after check-out.


Metodologi in this research is qualitative method by presenting the participant with a task scenario and conducting post-testing interviews to collect their perceptions and feedback on their experience using the app during the usability testing session.

Responden Criteria

  • Nationwide
  • Users of Shopeefood as well as non-users of Shopeefood
  • 19–40 y.o.

Usability Testing

Usability testing was conducted virtually through the Google Meet platform. Participants shared their screens while using the prototype that was created, allowing me to observe their interactions and gather feedback on the design and functionality of the product.


Before conducting the usability testing, I conducted research and created the design plan. The results of the research can be found in the report. In creating the prototype, I used Figma to design the interface and ensure that it meets the standards and satisfies the user’s needs. The prototype link can be accessed below.

Link prototype usability testing


I gave tasks to the respondents using the maze tools to gather feedback and assess the usability of the prototype. Maze link can be accessed below

Link UT tes by maze

Task given

I asked the respondents to complete tasks given through a scenario. The scenario was divided into five parts :

Task 1 : Searching for food at the Tanoshi-Pool Terase Tegal restaurant.

Scenario 1: Imagine you are a Shopeefood user and want to order sushi food at your favorite restaurant, and you have 3 habits for finding food online, please use this application to make your search easier.

Task 2 : Communicating with the seller.

Scenario 2: Imagine you want to communicate with the seller to inquire about the available food stock, select ingredients that you like and dislike, and ask many things, please use this application for that purpose.

Task 3: Searching for information about food and adding to cart.

Scenario 3: Imagine you want to view the food description, add the quantity of the food, and add the food to the cart, it is certainly very easy to do in this application.

Task 4: Check out food with Shopee Coin.

Scenario 4: Imagine you want to make a food purchase now and can use the coins available in the application, it is certainly very easy to do in this application.

Task 5: Making additional orders with the new feature.

Scenario 5: Imagine you have checked out your order, but there is a favorite food that you missed to order, and you don’t want to order through the driver while you want to use Shopee Coin for the payment. It is certainly very easy to do in this application with its new feature.

Summary insight

Task 1 — Searching for food at the Tanoshi-Pool Terase Tegal restaurant

Image task 1

The users were able to complete the tasks effortlessly without any issues. The new design, with its layout and visual hierarchical implementation in the writing system, made it easier for users to complete the tasks. The users were happy when the main page of ShopeeFood looked neat and not too cluttered. With the search button, food categories, and recommendations, it was easy for users to find food.

Users provided feedback to differentiate the font of “recommendations” from others as it is the currently active font.

Task 2 — Communicating with the seller

Image task 2

Some users found it difficult to find the message icon because in e-commerce platforms it is usually located on the product/food page. However, users were very happy with the existence of this message icon because of its intuitive and simple text bar and its usefulness in communicating with the seller, which makes the shopping experience more enjoyable.

The icon message on the restaurant page can be easily used by the user, but there needs to be an addition of the icon message on the food page so that the user doesn’t have to go back to the previous page when they want to communicate with the seller.

Task 3 — Searching for information about food and adding to cart

Image task 3

Before adding food to the cart, users can view the food description and add the quantity. Some users find it difficult to press the — and + buttons because they are too small and difficult to press with their fingers. In addition, users are pleased with the food description and photos that show the actual appearance of the food being ordered, making it easier for users to make choices and have realistic expectations about the food they will receive.

Improvement in the size of the — and + buttons is greatly needed to facilitate users in adding or reducing the amount of food to be purchased.

Task 4— Check out food with Shopee coin

Image task 4

All users can easily complete this flow. Users are happy with the easily found CTA, clear and smooth flow, making it easier for users to check out food. In addition, the toggle on Shopee coin exchange can function well and increase ease in exchanging coins and make the checkout process faster and more efficient. This way, users can transact more easily and comfortably.

Some users suggest that the total payment should already be reduced by Shopee coins, but in the task, even though Shopee coins have been used, the total payment has not yet been reduced.

Task 5 — Making additional orders with the new feature

Image task 5

In this task, some users are confused on the food menu page (page 3 from the left). They are confused about the steps to take between clicking the “buy now” CTA or the “cart” CTA. But after I explained that the condition when in this task is when the driver is waiting, so the user must click “buy now”, the user understood and is not confused anymore. They also appreciate the clear and detailed explanations, making it easier for them to complete the task.

Some users are happy with the new feature because it makes it easier for them to order missed food, and they can use promotions, Shopee coins, and digital payments on Shopeefood. However, some other users think that the new feature makes the food ordering process longer, but this can be addressed by the “Cancel” CTA to prevent any additions to the order.

According to the usability testing conducted by 5 respondents, who were asked questions and asked to complete tasks based on scenarios, all users agreed that the new design is better and looks more modern compared to the current design. Some factors considered include the use of font, easy-to-understand layout, visual hierarchy that makes the entire interface look more modern and appealing, added information in food descriptions, and the addition of new features that make it easier for users to manage missed orders.

Feedback responden usability testing

Design Recommendation

I made a design recommendation based on suggestions and feedback from users who have undergone the usability testing process.

Design recommendation

Lesson Learned

After conducting the usability testing process, I realized that this process is very important and must be done to identify problems in the design that has been created. The expertise in engaging with users is essential in order to get the behavior and preferences of users.

I am aware that there are still many shortcomings in this writing and I accept feedback from my friends. I hope that my writing can help and be beneficial to the reader. You can also visit to my Linkedin and Dribble


UI/UX case study shopeefood :

Prototype usability testing :

Interview usability testing :

UT by maze :

