Losing all opinions

3 min readMar 15, 2016


It’s easy to form opinions, adopt prejudices. It’s easy to like someone or something, and easier not to like someone or something. It’s easy to say goodbyes, to stop listening, to stop caring, and carry on than to wait, listen, understand, and try to relate.

I took a small trip this month, to Auroville to witness, and maybe take part in the Tango festival here. Like the last visit here, this time I learned somethings about me, and have this incredible want to change some other stuff, about me.

Last year, when here, I was quick to form opinions, judge things, and people after. certain events had come to pass; this, without getting to know what went on behind the scenes of these events, and the people involved with them. I’ve always done that. I’ve always judged people, and things after getting to know them, never giving a second thought to the motivations, experiences, and circumstances that may be the reason as to why someone or something would behave or proceed in a certain manner; one that is not to my liking or preference. Which, I thought was okay; at the least, I wasn’t judging without giving away the benefits of doubt. I was wrong.

No judgements given

Let’s try something new, now. What will happen if we don’t form any judgements at all? What will happen when we lose, and get rid off of all the opinions formed so far? Those questions are what I am willing to seek out the answers to, for myself

It’s been about three days, since I have started to do this. Form, hold, and infer no opinions or judgements against people, and things — good or bad.

Within these last three days, if anything at all then I’ve realized one thing — it’s difficult as hell, to abstain from putting things, and people in labeled boxes. It’s super difficult, to trust implicitly, even after being let down over, and over. And, it’s been enlightening too. Think self-reflection multiplied by any infinitesimal. Then, add to that the force to resisit any, and all thoughts of judgement formation.

I do not know where this new “experiment” will lead to, and I am definitely willing to find out!

Why do it?

Simply put, to learn. To learn from others, them who I would’ve never given a third chance to. To learn to hold off on forming judgements, and casting opinions. To learn, to strengthen my will. To learn the art of forgiveness — something I think I suck at. To form stronger connections with things, and people. And finally, to make sure I remain a stoic, at the least in part — making sure that happiness is mine to make.


I am Manoj, from India. I am a curious caveman, and am ever thirsty for answers. If you found yourself enjoying this post, you can read more posts on the blog, and subscribe to the newsletter too.

