Of Odd Curiosity & Wonder.

3 min readFeb 16, 2016


Curation all the things that generate curiosity & wonder. (Photo Credit: http://www.oddcuriosity.com)

Good things come in small packages.

That cliché is one the most used quotes, regardless of the size of the people using it; probably from the time of its inception. I am using it here too, to put an emphasis on my concept of how the two words — “wonder” & “ curiosity”, which represent this new publication, and in more ways than one, represent a new small online shop, are related to the good(s)[pun intended] in the things contained within them.

The dictionary describes “wonder”, in all its noun based glory, as:

1. something strange and surprising; a cause of surprise, astonishment, or admiration

2. the emotion excited by what is strange and surprising; a feeling of surprised or puzzled interest, sometimes tinged with admiration

3. miraculous deed or event; remarkable phenomenon

Something that’s strange, remarkable, surprising, admirable, puzzling, interesting, or miraculous; or rather that something evokes emotions that are described, and contained within the words above, is something that’s wonderful(for what this publication is intended for, we’ll stick to these adjectives — disregarding the other definitions of wonder, for brevity sake XD).

The curiosity part comes in first though. To be able to create something, or find something that creates emotions related to the above definition of wonder, the main ingredient needed is (yes, you got that right!) — curiosity.

I mean to say that - to find wonder in things, he needs to be curious about everything. He needs to be open to everything, and everyone. No matter its size, place of origin, any other classification term you can think of.

I am also of the opinion that above all else, curiosity is the reason we, as a species in general, do the things we do; at least I think that it’s the start to anything that we do or anything that we’ve done in the past or will do in the future.

The thirst to learn, grow, share, create, love, hate, survive, etc. is the result of our collective curiousness. We’re thus ever searching for wonder. Ever hustling to create wonder. Ever striving to harness wonder.

While our daily lives are filled with routines, boredom, wish lists, and what may have you, I still think we go on for the sake of finding wonder. Or rather, we go on hoping that we may be swept off our feet, every once in a while.

Both wonder & curiosity are small words. More often than not, they’re treated as small words. What’s forgotten is the fact that there’s so much good that is contained within those two words, and this world; forgotten are the facts of discovery — both, discovery of the self, and discovery of everything that surrounds us.

So much potential is contained in those two words; or rather so much of discovery is contained within those two words. But everyone, including I, forget that these two words are the reason for living — unless you’re a cat, in that case then maybe just stick to wonder?

I think that both of these words, they compliment each other; one cannot exist without the other.

This publication is about such things. The small, online shop that I just opened is about creating, finding, and making such things available. Small little treasures that keeps reminding us that the large, round world is still full of mystery, wonder, and discovery. And all we’ve to do to see that, is to become more curious than we were yesterday.

If you’re curious to know where this publication goes, and what happens with the small online shop, then do follow along!

Hello there!

I am Manoj, from India. I just started a small online business of selling things that I find awesome, full of wonder, and those that invoke curiosity. Do stop by over @ OddCuriosity.com

More about me.

