№1 What Colours Mix To Make Purple (2019) | Any Blogging

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1 min readJul 23, 2019


Purple Color

In today’s post I will tell you about which color makes Purple Color.

Mixture of red and blue color makes This color.

Red and blue are commonly mixed in identical parts, but grater red or blue are delivered for preference.

To make lighter shade of purple include white color into it.

whilst adding black creates a darker shade of red.

Red, blue and yellow are primary colors that occurs naturally, they cannot be mixed from other existing colors.

adding black creates a darker shade of red.

Red, blue and yellow are primary colors that occurs naturally, they cannot be mixed from other existing colors.

For a This color that leans more towards violet, add extra blue paint.

To get warmer purple or pinker add extra red into it.

Originally published at https://anyblogging.com.

