Psoriasis and Ayurveda — Why suffer when you can cure?

3 min readMar 2, 2018

Any kind of skin conditions pose two different challenges at the patient- one is the issue itself and the other is the cosmetic impact. As you might be aware Psoriasis is such a skin condition characterized by scaly and itchy red patches on the surface of the skin. This can be quite depressing and may affect the person’s social life. One can rely on oral or tropical application of steroid based medicines in modern medicine to control the symptoms. But the fact about this is

  1. It surely provides a relief and a cosmetic benefit, but this is only temporary and superficial, ie till the next flare up.
  2. On the contrary, the suppressing the condition from the top layer of the skin through steroids take it to the deeper tissues beneath.
  3. Wrong or improper handling of the condition can lead to psoriatic arthritis, psoriatic heart or other complications.

Having said that management of psoriasis is possible, even though not easy. A comprehensive and wholesome approach is required to handle the condition effectively rather than a symptom-based approach. This is the reason why Ayurveda is found to be very effective in addressing psoriasis. It approaches the issue more holistically and targets at a complete cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis

According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis indicates the aggravation of the two doshas -vata and pitta in the body as well as the presence of impure blood due to the toxins accumulated in the body. The main causes believed to trigger psoriasis are

  • Improper or unhealthy lifestyle
  • Improper diets and contradictory non-compatible foods.
  • Excessive mental and physical stress

Some of the factors that influence the treatment modalities adopted are:

  • The severity of the flare ups
  • The type of psoriasis
  • The area affected
  • The patient’s reactions to medicine and treatment methods.

The basic approach in the treatment would aim at elimination of harmful toxins from the body fluids and complete detoxification of the body. The treatment process including lifestyle management, diet management, panchakarma techniques, stress management etc. are found to be highly effective achieving the desired results in Psoriasis treatment and curing it

Panchakarma therapies including therapeutic vomiting and purgation are found to be highly effective in detoxifying the body. Various techniques are introduced to detoxify the blood and liver during the treatment process. Lepana, external application of herbal pastes is administered to clear the skin from all the blemishes and improve the texture if the skin. Yoga and pranayama are introduced to reduce physical and mental stress and to improve the circulation in the body. Dietary changes are made to avoid trigger factors and minimise the chances of a future flare up of psoriasis.

The duration for undergoing psoriasis treatment in India as an inpatient in any of the established and recognized Ayurvedic hospitals is around 21 to 28 days and the cost of treatment is between 1500 to 2300 USD.

Infographics | Ayurveda & psoriasis treatment in India

