Different types of Blood cancer and it’s treatment

3 min readJan 29, 2018


Blood cancer effects the function of blood cells. Most of Blood cancers start in the bone marrow

Some common blood cancer symptoms are Weakness & Low energy, Bone and Joint pain, Shortness of breath, Itchy skin or skin rash, Swollen lymph nodes.

Stem cells in the bone marrow develop into blood cells:

Red blood cells They carry oxygen throughout the body. It’s ability to carry oxygen is measured by the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. If level of hemoglobin is low the body works much harder to supply oxygen to the tissues

White blood cells These cells help the body fight infection. A low white blood cell count leaves the body open to infection. If an infection develops, the body will be unable to fight it.

Platelets It helps blood to clot. A low platelet count means the body can’t stop itself from bleeding.

The normal blood cell development process is interrupted by uncontrolled growth of cancerous cell during Blood Cancer. These cancerous cells, prevent blood from performing functions like fighting off infections or preventing serious bleeding.

The three main types of blood cancers are:

Leukemia: Cancer caused by rapid production of abnormal white blood cells. This type of Cancer is found in the Blood & Bone marrow. The ability of the Bone marrow to produce red blood cells & platelets is affected. This cancer reduces or totally stops the body’s ability to fight infection.

Lymphoma: The lymphatic system has multiple interrelated functions. It removes excess fluids from the body, absorbs & transports fats from the digestive system. Lymphocytes are white blood cell that fight infection. Abnormal lymphocytes become cancer cells which multiply and collect in the lymph nodes and other tissues affecting the immune system.

Myeloma: A cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells that are made in the Bone marrow which produce infection fighting antibodies. These cells prevent the production of antibodies, weakening the body’s immune system leaving it susceptible to infection.

Treatment for blood cancer depends on the following factors: type of cancer, where the cancer has spread etc age of the patient, speed at which cancer is progressing, Common Leukemia treatment in India are:

Healthy bone marrow & Multiple myeloma

Stem cell transplant A stem cell transplant infuses the bone marrow product through a central vein through an IV tube. These stem cells begin to produce new white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Prior to the procedure the immune system will be deactivated through medicines to avoid rejection of transplanted cells. This is a non-surgical procedure done before Chemotherapy & Radiation.

Chemotherapy The use of one or more anti-cancer drugs to halt the growth of cancer cells in the body. Chemotherapy for blood cancer consists of giving one or more drugs together in a set pattern. Mostly chemotherapy is delivered intravenously, although some can be administered orally.

Radiation Radiation therapy is the use of high dose X rays to destroy cancer cells. Radiation therapy is dependent on the location of the cancer cell or the tissue involved. Radiation is targeted either to kill the cancer cell or shrink cancerous tissue.

