“The confused girl”

Indhu Soundararajan
2 min readMay 16, 2020

“I want to start writing articles because I love to write and I can convey my thinking better” I kept thinking about this for a quite longer period of time and I have finally made my move.

When I actually wanted to write, I was quite confused about which topic to take. Should I start with the gratitude and sound so good for the readers or should I talk about technologies and sound techie or talk about my fear and sound very sorrow?? I was just confused. But wait!! Why can’t I just talk about the confusions which I had been going through in my life right from my childhood!!??

Well, I felt that as the good idea and here I’m starting with the confusions I went through. Before I start with, I would also like to give you some warnings that you will encounter the word “confused” quite often and I may sound complaining as well.

“Money is not everything” I have heard this quite often and there started my confusions.

I was confused when I found the peace makers always surrounded only by the wealthy people and at the same time, they talk about “money does not bring peace”.

I was confused when I found the policy makers whose job is to bring the equality among all the people in the nation and at the same time, they act differently to the different status of people in the same nation.

I was confused when I found a business man talking about humanity in the public and also humiliating his employees over any business loss.

I was also confused when I found the normal people losing the respect at the present for the sake of gaining respect in the future.

I was just confused to decide between what to talk and what not to talk when I just do not know what others talk about me in my back.

I was confused when I found the relatives around who spoke more of love and relationship but were treating their relatives differently and according to their monetary status. Sorry!! Here I’m getting the clarity that the money is everything and everywhere.

I was confused when people speak well in front and also speak differently in our absence.

I was confused to find people who enjoy gossiping the others and at the same time get offended when they are gossiped by the others. Actually the feelings of shame and hurt are the same for everyone.

And finally, I was confused when my friend who treated me with love before and at the same time did not mind to disrespect me when I went against just her opinions.

Yes, I’m done with some of my confusions which I ever had, have and may have.

Disclaimer: I have taken the confused girl image randomly from the internet.

