Predictions about the New Software Development Trends in 2021–22

4 min readOct 5, 2021


Software development is always changing, and it will continue to do so in the months ahead. Many of the changes we’re likely to witness are driven by technological and societal needs. For example, the necessity for a safe means to execute contracts is propelling blockchain forward, while new applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are compelling the industry to consider “ethical AI.”

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We looked into the software development sector to see what software trends will be dominant in 2021–22:


Every year, the situation for cybersecurity experts deteriorates. Regardless of how well-developed defenses get, attack methods continue to improve. Due to the rising use of home networks and personal devices, the switch to remote working increased the danger of security breaches for most enterprises. There are a few forecasts that we believe will have an impact on cybersecurity in 2021:

1. Cloud breaches

2.5G sector

3. Cyber insurance

Growing Use of Blockchain:

While blockchain technology is most known for its role in bitcoin, it also has a variety of other applications that all help to prevent fraud in sensitive transactions. Some functions, such as utilization within smart contract systems, are expected to grow in 2021.

Internet of Things (IoT):

we can say that the Internet of Things has made a significant impact on people’s daily lives. Of course, getting the most out of IoT requires combining it with other breakthrough innovations like AI and Big Data, but it is one of the most significant developments in computing. We all know that the Internet of Things has come a long way; from everyday mobile devices to automobiles, everything is equipped with sensors that allow an object to be monitored or data collected.

Native App Development:

Mobile apps are becoming increasingly significant as the number of mobile devices grows. Software development teams working for organizations that can afford it are opting for native app development to create apps with the most flexibility and best performance. This means creating two or more unique versions of an app to run with each major mobile operating system (OS).

Cloud-Based Solution:

We’ve noticed an increasing demand for business availability, data recovery, and high accessibility in recent years. Because of on-premise solutions. Because it solely works with on-site infrastructure, many businesses and organizations have been forced to turn to cloud data center services. Even government agencies felt compelled to adopt cloud technology. Using this service has the advantage of allowing you to pay only for what you use.

Use of CI and CD:

The software development process includes continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), with CI ensuring that code modifications from multiple engineers are merged into a software project. CD promotes rapid and long-term changes in configuration and features, as well as problem patches. Both approaches allow development companies to complete projects faster, saving time and money, which will be critical in 2021.

Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality will not leave us, at least not for the next ten years, given how swiftly the game and media industries are growing. As a result of enhanced computer visions, VR provides gamers with immersive, first-person perspective experiences. Despite the fact that video and gaming are the most popular uses of VR, the training and education sector is also expected to investigate VR in the near future, as institutions have begun to invest in bringing VR into the classroom.

Low-Code Development:

We all know that work-from-home policies have skewed corporate outcomes. Never before has there been such a constant requirement for IT departments to keep everything running smoothly. Developers who had spent several years honing their art and were critical of low-code platforms questioned if they should be taken seriously. However, today’s software development teams are accepting low-code development.

Big Data:

The development of Big Data processing technologies will be one of the most recent IT industry developments. According to the expert, the tools that can process everything in memory without saving the results after each computation would have the highest share.

Simultaneously, cybersecurity is cited as the most serious issue in the Big Data sector. It has the potential to stymie the implementation of new tools. The state of Big Data can be improved if the problem is solved using cutting-edge software development technology.

You’ve just seen the most up-to-date software development trends. These are by no means the only cutting-edge software technologies. We will continue to update the list with new IT software trends and trendy technologies.

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