The Future is Here: Advancements in Liver Cancer Treatment

3 min readAug 12, 2023


What Are The 1st Signs Of Liver Cancer?

One of the early signs of liver cancer is unexplained weight loss. If you are experiencing a significant decrease in weight without any apparent reason, it could be a cause for concern. Pain or swelling in the abdominal area can be an indicator of liver cancer. As the tumor grows, it puts pressure on the surrounding organs, leading to discomfort or pain. Liver cancer can cause fatigue and weakness, even with minimal physical exertion. If you notice a persistent lack of energy or feel excessively tired, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional. Liver cancer can disrupt the normal functioning of the liver, leading to digestive issues such as nausea and vomiting.

What Is The Best Surgery For Liver Cancer?

Resection: Liver resection is the primary surgical option for liver cancer when the tumor is confined to a specific area of the liver and has not spread to other organs. During a liver resection, the surgeon removes the tumor along with a portion of healthy liver tissue. This procedure aims to completely remove the cancerous cells and preserve the remaining liver function.

Liver Transplantation: Liver transplantation is an option for patients with early-stage liver cancer and underlying liver disease. In this procedure, the diseased liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a donor. Liver transplantation offers the advantage of removing both the tumor and the diseased liver, providing a chance for long-term survival.

Ablation Techniques: Ablation techniques are minimally invasive procedures that destroy liver tumors by applying extreme temperatures (radiofrequency ablation) or chemicals (ethanol injection). These techniques are suitable for patients with small tumors or those who are not eligible for surgery due to various reasons.

Microwave Ablation: Microwave ablation is a newer technique that uses microwaves to heat and destroy liver tumors. This procedure offers a more efficient and controlled method of tumor ablation, minimizing damage to the surrounding healthy tissues.

Chemoembolization: Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) procedure that combines chemotherapy drugs with the blockage of blood vessels supplying the tumor. This approach allows for the direct delivery of chemotherapy to the tumor, resulting in localized treatment effects.

What Happens After Liver Cancer Surgery?

The recovery process following liver cancer surgery varies depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient’s overall health, and individual factors. After liver cancer surgery, patients typically spend several days in the hospital for close monitoring and initial recovery. The length of the hospital stay may vary based on the complexity of the surgery and the patient’s condition. During the recovery period, healthcare professionals closely monitor the patient’s vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels. Regular follow-up appointments with the healthcare team are essential to monitor the progress of recovery, discuss any concerns, and address potential complications.

Can Liver Grow Back After Cancer Surgery?

The liver is known for its exceptional regenerative capabilities. It has the unique ability to replace damaged or removed tissue with new liver cells. This regenerative process is crucial for the liver’s functionality and the body’s overall health. In most cases, the liver is capable of regrowing and restoring its normal function after cancer surgery. The regenerative process typically begins immediately after surgery and continues over several weeks to months. During this time, the liver cells multiply and rebuild the lost tissue, gradually restoring the liver’s size and function.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, liver cancer is a serious condition that requires early detection and appropriate treatment. Understanding the symptoms, risk factors, and available treatment options is essential for prompt medical intervention. By promoting prevention strategies and raising awareness, it is possible to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for individuals affected by liver cancer.

