Be a Better Developer:
Build for Accessibility

1 min readAug 2, 2017


To underscore my commitment to accessibility, I have illustrated this post with a screenshot of text! It’s a presentation slide that reads, “Remember: Building for universal access literally makes products that are better for everyone. If you want to be a great developer, get interested in accessibility.” This is pretty much the meat of my talk, so now you can skip the video without missing anything.

On July 27, I gave a ten-minute “tech talk” to my Grace Hopper classmates on why and how to make Web applications accessible. It is suuuuuuuper basic, but since the curriculum hadn’t discussed accessibility at all, I felt that it was important to at least introduce the concept.

Which is, apparently, a conviction many other students have held. “Oh, this old chestnut!” quoth our A/V lord, as he hooked up all the things.



Tk, as they say in publishing. The video has autogenerated captions, but I will also post a transcript here that actually has punctuation and cool stuff like that.

Slide deck

Includes the speaker notes that I forgot to refer to at a few crucial points.

Resource list

Draft! I still have dozens of browser tabs to sort through. Additional recommendations are very welcome. (Google Docs)

