Unlocking Financial Abundance: How to attract money according to Vastu?

Indian Astrology
6 min readMay 14, 2024

Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling with money? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck, unable to save or get ahead financially? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find themselves in a constant battle with their finances, feeling like abundance is always just out of reach.

But what if I told you that there’s an ancient practice that can help you attract more money and prosperity into your life? It’s called Vastu Shastra, and it’s the Indian version of feng shui — a system of principles and guidelines for designing and arranging living and working spaces in harmony with the natural world.

At its core, Vastu is all about creating balance and flow in your environment, which can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life, including your finances. By incorporating Vastu principles into your home and workspace, you can tap into the powerful energy forces of nature and align yourself with the universal laws of abundance.

So, if you’re ready to unlock your full financial potential and manifest the prosperity you deserve, keep reading. In this blog post, we’ll explore some powerful Vastu tips that can help you attract more money into your life.

Position Your Wealth Corner Correctly

In Vastu Shastra, different areas of your home or office are associated with different aspects of your life, including wealth and prosperity. The wealth corner, also known as the “Dhana” or “Laxmi” corner, is considered the most important area for attracting and retaining financial abundance. If you want to learn Vastu Shastra, Join Online Vastu Course now.

To activate this powerful energy center, you’ll need to identify the wealth corner in your space. According to Vastu principles, the wealth corner is located in the northwest direction of your home or office. Once you’ve located this area, you can enhance its energy by placing specific objects and symbols that represent wealth and prosperity.

Some popular items to place in the wealth corner include:

  • A potted plant with broad, thick leaves (representing growth and prosperity)
  • A small water fountain or aquarium (symbolizing the flow of money and abundance)
  • Crystals or gemstones like citrine, pyrite, or green aventurine (believed to attract wealth and luck)
  • Images or statues of deities associated with wealth, such as Lakshmi or Ganesha
  • A small wooden box or chest (representing a treasure trove)

Remember, the key is to keep this area clean, clutter-free, and filled with positive energy. Avoid placing toilets, sinks, or any other water fixtures in the wealth corner, as they can drain away the abundance energy.

Use the Power of Colors

In Vastu Shastra, colors are believed to have a profound impact on our energy levels and overall well-being. Certain colors are associated with specific energies and can be used to attract or repel certain aspects of life, including money and prosperity.

For attracting wealth and abundance, the recommended colors are:

  • Green: The color of growth, renewal, and prosperity. It’s believed to have a calming and grounding effect, making it ideal for the wealth corner and areas associated with finance.
  • Yellow: Representing optimism, confidence, and happiness, yellow is believed to attract wealth and abundance into your life.
  • Purple: A regal and luxurious color, purple is often associated with wealth, power, and success.

You can incorporate these colors into your home or workspace through paint, accessories, artwork, or even by using colored crystals or gemstones. However, it’s important to use these colors in moderation and balance them with neutral tones to avoid overwhelming the space.

Enhance the Energy Flow

In Vastu Shastra, it’s believed that energy (or “prana”) flows through our living and working spaces in specific patterns. When this energy flow is obstructed or stagnant, it can create imbalances and negative effects, including financial struggles.

To promote the smooth flow of energy and attract abundance, consider the following Vastu tips:

  • Keep the main entrance clear and unobstructed, allowing energy to flow freely into your space.
  • Avoid having staircases or elevators directly facing the main entrance, as this can create a “energy leak” and drain away prosperity.
  • Keep clutter to a minimum, as it can block and disrupt the flow of energy.
  • Incorporate curved shapes and rounded corners into your decor, as sharp angles can create energy blockages.
  • Use mirrors strategically to reflect and enhance the flow of energy throughout your space.

By promoting the smooth flow of energy, you’re creating an environment that is conducive to attracting and retaining financial abundance.

Activate the Northeast Direction

In Vastu Shastra, the northeast direction is associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. This area is known as the “Aisaan” corner and is considered highly auspicious for attracting money and financial success.

To activate and enhance the energy of the northeast direction, consider the following tips:

  • Place a small water feature, such as a fountain or aquarium, in this area to represent the flow of wealth and abundance.
  • Use earth tones, such as browns and terracottas, to decorate this area, as they are believed to promote grounding and stability.
  • Incorporate metallic accents, like brass or copper, which are associated with wealth and prosperity.
  • Place a potted plant with round, coin-like leaves (like a money plant) in the northeast corner to symbolize financial growth.

By activating and energizing the northeast direction, you’re creating a powerful focal point for attracting and retaining financial abundance in your life.

Read Also: — Vastu Shastra: The Ancient Indian Science of Architecture and Design

Declutter and Organize Your Finances

One of the most important Vastu principles is the importance of maintaining a clutter-free and organized environment. Clutter is believed to create stagnant energy and blockages, which can prevent the flow of abundance and prosperity.

When it comes to attracting financial abundance, it’s essential to declutter and organize not just your physical space but also your financial affairs. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Go through your bills, bank statements, and financial documents, and organize them in a systematic way.
  • Create a budget and track your expenses to gain better control over your finances.
  • Eliminate unnecessary expenses and find ways to reduce your monthly outgoings.
  • Prioritize paying off debts and outstanding balances, as they can create energetic blockages and prevent the flow of abundance.
  • Consider investing or saving a portion of your income, even if it’s a small amount, to create a positive momentum towards financial growth.

By decluttering and organizing your financial affairs, you’re creating a solid foundation for attracting and maintaining financial abundance in your life.

Incorporate Vastu-Friendly Symbols and Objects

In addition to the tips mentioned above, Vastu Shastra also recommends incorporating certain symbols and objects into your living and working spaces to attract and enhance financial abundance. Here are some examples:

  • The Swastika symbol: This ancient symbol, representing prosperity and good fortune, can be used in decoration or artwork (but be mindful of cultural sensitivities).
  • The Elephant figure: Elephants are considered symbols of strength, wisdom, and prosperity in Indian culture. Placing an elephant statue or figurine in your wealth corner can attract abundance.
  • The Tortoise or Turtle figure: Representing longevity and stability, these animals are believed to attract long-lasting financial success.
  • The Conch shell: A symbol of prosperity and spiritual awakening, the conch shell can be used as a decorative element or for creating positive sound vibrations.
  • The Ship or Boat figure: Representing movement and progress, these objects can symbolize the smooth sailing of your financial endeavors.

Remember, when incorporating these symbols and objects, it’s important to do so with intention and reverence. They should be placed in appropriate areas and treated with respect, as they hold significant cultural and spiritual meaning.

By implementing these Vastu tips and principles, you’re creating an environment that is in harmony with the natural laws of abundance and prosperity. However, it’s important to remember that Vastu is just one aspect of attracting financial abundance. It’s also crucial to cultivate a positive mindset, take consistent action towards your financial goals, and embrace abundance on all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Unlocking financial abundance is a journey, and Vastu Shastra can be a powerful tool to help you along the way. By aligning your living and working spaces with these ancient principles, you’re tapping into the universal energy of abundance and creating a fertile environment for prosperity to flourish.

So, why wait? Start incorporating these Vastu tips into your life today and watch as the flow of abundance begins to manifest in your finances and all areas of your life.



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