How I Made $1000 With a Part-Time Travel Blog

Shruti Pangtey
10 min readMay 10, 2019

The honest truth behind blogging income reports

Blog income report! Who doesn’t love reading those?

Although, I am getting tired of seeing these, “I made $10000 in 3 months” blog income reports.

It makes you believe that something is horribly wrong with you if you didn’t earn this amount of crazy income in the first few months.

What these reports also conveniently skip out is how much they SPENT to get there.

I can tell you right away, that if I spent $5000 on my blog this month, I would earn double that amount if not more.

The harsh truth is that if you don’t make anything at all for the first six to twelve months, that is PERFECTLY OKAY.

Tell me one business that is profitable from Day 1?

Yep, I thought so too!

Blogging in today’s world of changing algorithms and a billion other websites to compete with is NOT an easy business. In fact, it’s anything but.

I am going to skip the — “I am doing it for transparency and accountability stuff” mostly because like hey, you wanna know how much bloggers make and I want to tell you, plain and simple! The rest of the stuff is just well, FLUFF.



Shruti Pangtey

I help digital creators grow their income and impact online. Watch the free Pinterest masterclass. 👇