Highlights from the Hackathon Launch event

Ocean Protocol - Indian Outreach
4 min readJan 21, 2022


Max concurrent attendees during the call: 15

We were also live on Twitch for the first time!

With viewers across varied Geography

Guest speakers:

  • Robin Lehmann, CEO & CTO of Data-union
  • Trent McConaghy, Founder of Ocean Protocol
  • Roberto Alcantara, Ocean DAO Engineering lead

Features Guests:

  • Dhruva, Founder of Dehidden
  • Vaibhav Sharma, Founder of Cope Studio
  • Dr. Abhishek Appaji, IEEE Bangalore Chapter lead

Ocean Ecosystem partners:

  • Richard Blythmann, Co-founder of Algovera.ai
  • Scott Milat, Leader of Ocean Missions

Transcript of the Slides covered during the call:

Excerpts from the Post-launch Q&A:

Robin Lehmann:

  • Happy to be part of the Ocean ecosystem
  • Love to see the Initiatives coming up & personally have worked with a lot of wonderful Indians in the industry, past and now
  • Ocean Protocol has changed my life and we hope to see Data-union emerging as a very successful startup and as a separate protocol.
  • Looking forward to explore more synergy with Dehidden, on the Data-NFTs to explore more utility to NFTs with context to data.

Trent McConaghy:

  • Great to see the Indian community, coming up and see the leads grow within the Indian Community.
  • (In response to Data-NFTs) This is something I love to talk about often as well. Been talking about the impact of Bitcoin since 2010, and towards the early 2013 as well and that’s when the cross-utility of blockchain became a more emerging use-case and we were hacking away with friends.
  • It was around 2013 when we wanted to explore more on digital ownership of arts in segue to Bitcoin based digitally owned asset value as well.
  • It was around this time when I had the neurons fire with my wife who is also a curator of arts and that’s how Ascribe came into play :)


  • It will also be path-breaking to see how DataNFTs come into play given how the phenomenon of how Bored apes have had a stellar journey in the ability to sub-IP a lot of distributed rights within the community as opposed to Crypto-punks who were the pioneer PFP project but still unable to sub-IP to the community due to the IP centered around Larva labs.


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Data NFTs & Data-tokens

Roberto (Props to having him on the call coming in at 6am Canada time):

  • Thanks for having me here. And it’s interesting to see how the Indian community has been evolving with multiple initiatives towards hacking on the upcoming sessions.
  • I’ve been in the Gaming industry for close to 15 years and it’s always have had interesting problems to solve that have to be market and product oriented. Aligning towards meaningful sentiments had kept me going and that’s how I had involved myself with Ocean as well.
  • Part of my greatest responsibility so far has been has been to see Ocean DAO grow with the kind of proposals that we have seen grow on top of Ocean.


  • Hey everyone, thanks for having me here and it’s great to sap in the energy from folks in the ecosystem who have been in the space much longer than we have
  • We are also happy to work on the grant that we’ve had from Ocean Protocol on the working of Data-NFTs and working on upcoming modules that would be fun use-cases to work on.
  • We are looking forward to work with Data-union and the Ocean ecosystem to work on the emerging use-cases of data-NFTs.

Vaibhav Sharma:

  • Thanks folks. To introduce myself, I run Cope studio, which is the essential metaverse swing of Product developments in the Web3 space apart from Dhruva here who has been spearheading the Dehidden space on NFT utilities
  • (On front-running the Design challenges of the Hackathon): We are happy to let emerging talents work on this. We would be more than welcome to guide the hackers on creating unique design challenges around the bounties.

Closing thoughts:

Shout out to all Members who tuned in on the launch of the Indian hackathon and would be amazing to see the hackers work on all the challenges and be part of the Ocean DAO ecosystem.


