Dear Musicians: Conversation Is The New Connection

Leonard Patterson
4 min readMar 21, 2018

It’s an interesting balance between you and your fans. They feed off of you as much as you feed off of them. And sometimes, just sometimes, if you’ve got an engaged group of people that have bought in to your “thing”, they might even know you better than you do yourself.

All that aside, from a social media standpoint, it was never meant to be a replacement for real interaction, but a compliment. So one of the best ways to treat our glorious social media landscape isn’t as a channel to merely broadcast our thoughts and promote our next show, but more so as a place to converse with our followers and fans.

Social media is a method of conversation, not a replacement for it.

So when you’ve having a quick conversation with someone in person, do you normally start with a broadcast? Or might it be a question? Even if it’s considered “small talk”, a good habit to get into is asking your fans questions and giving them a chance to respond, interact, and engage.

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: Ask your fan’s opinion to get objective feedback, spark up a conversation, and maybe even do some market research while you’re at it.

Here’s a quick list of social conversation prompts to start with…



Leonard Patterson

Content Marketing Lead | Author | Speaker | Frequent Hi-Fiver