How to Focus (Your Lens) On Your Fans

Leonard Patterson
4 min readMar 21, 2018
Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash


You want to increase your reach on social media? You want to really get your fans engaged online and at the show? You’ve already got the tools it takes. You just need the discipline to do it every time you hit the stage. It’s literally one of the critical pieces of our equation that began to consistently have lines out the door waiting to hear us play. And we played covers.

Seeds of Engagement: Take more pictures OF your fans and then take more pictures WITH your fans (i.e. post less pictures of you and your rockstar pose).

I know it sounds pretty simple, but honestly, the picture itself is just the beginning. Being a front man who was constantly reading the crowd, calling out songs, and (oh) trying to get some good candid shots for use on Facebook, I can attest that it’s easy to forget and sometimes difficult to do. But it’s sooooo worth it.

Here’s the deal. Not only is it free advertising when you’re tagged on social media, but (wait for it) you can actually start to develop relationships with your fans. You can actually start to put faces with names (*musician gasps*). Nothing will start to set you apart more than when you see someone at another club a couple weeks later and call them by name. Trust me on that.



Leonard Patterson

Content Marketing Lead | Author | Speaker | Frequent Hi-Fiver