2 min readDec 2, 2016


Wow. “Fake, fake and fake — it’s all fake” That’s your counterargument? Stupid arrives on Medium.

You make a flagrantly hypocritical statement that I counter with one that proves your hypocrisy and you then use that statement to prove my hypocrisy? As though doing so somehow erases the hypocrisy of the original statement that I responded to? You’re going around in circles, buddy, and in as obtuse a fashion as is clearly your nature.

Do YOU get to decide what criminal allegations do and don’t have credibility more so than the FBI, the Congress and the courts? Without any proof whatsoever of wrongdoing, and in fact in the face of multiple instances of having been cleared of wrongdoing, you still insist that you know more than these institutions? The height of pretentiousness and, as you accused me of, “STUPIDITY.” Your quote still doesn’t contain any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, and that’s why the FBI isn’t levying charges. Your rantings are nothing more than conjecture.

And like the hypocrite you and your ilk continue to be, you excuse the fact that your candidate tells easily disproven, baldface LIES every other time he opens his mouth, so much so that he’s become the subject of derision all over the country, online and off — among Republicans and Democrats alike. You excuse his blatant and widespread bigotry, mysogyny, homophobia, and xenophobia, and the danger that his thin skin and distemper poses for our national security and well-being.

You excuse his own blatant hypocrisy every time he does something he accuses others of. You know of course that he’s now filled his cabinet with billionnaires and establishment figures. His new Education Secretary is a “mega-donor” for the GOP — talk about “pay to play!” His new Treasury Secretary is a veteran Wall Street banker — what was that thing about Hillary and Wall Street again? His Chief Strategist is a self-avowed White Supremacist. His new Attorney General is on record for making racist statements, and not that long ago. His new NSA head is an openly pro-torture Islamaphobe. And I’m sure you’re going to make all kinds of excuses for these, in the face of serious concerns from people who know better, from both parties.

You and your Alt-Reich pals went and handed the nuclear codes to an infantile, vindictive narcissist, who is, as we speak, filling his staff and cabinet with some of the very kinds of people he said he was going to “drain from the swamp.” He hasn’t even arrived in the White House, and apparently doesn’t even want to — he wants to stay in one of his garish, billion-dollar hotels instead. Yeah — how’s that going to work for running the country, and by the way, who’s paying for that, along with the multi-state victory tour he’s already scheduled to take (what?) Got an answer? He hasn’t even arrived in the White House, and already has gone back on multiple campaign promises. How’s that sitting with you? Here’s some really fun and important reading for ya. It’s already begun. Have a rockin’ four years, bucko.

