25 Ranking Signals Google Use to Rank Websites in Search Results

Indi IT Academy
3 min readApr 13, 2016


Google always tries to provide its users with high-quality pages as per their search terms. This is the reason they frequently change their search algorithm so that they can apply more reliable and accurate process. It employs more than 100 different signals to offer higher ranking to the website by their excellent contents.

1. How many back links does your website have? Back links are one of the major elements in determining the position of your website, and you should consider developing more high-quality back links rather than receiving a huge number of poor back links.

2. What is your website’s Google PageRank? Page Rank is one of the crucial systems that can highly affect the process of indexing or ranking of your website.

3. Is your website or pages informative? You should always try to publish original, unique, high-quality and informative content so that your visitors can get enough information.

4. How finely is your site optimized for SEO? You should not try to over-optimize or less-optimize your website because it can affect your ranking. Just make it aptly SEO optimized.

5. Is your website designed in an advanced manner with the good user interface? Your content will become well-organized, easy to navigate as well and easy to read if you use a good user-interface.

6. How many years do you have this domain alive?

7. Is your website providing sufficient and accurate information on relevant topics of your business?

8. Are all the contents or articles published on your website original, flawless and unique?

9. Are they written by experts in the content writing industry who have experience and skill?

10. Do the contents of your website have any grammatical, factual or spelling errors?

11. How optimized the keyword research of your website is? Are they relevant to your business and able to pull traffic?

12. How efficiently have you used the anchor texts in your content? You should always try to use relevant keywords as the anchor texts, which is a vital part of any SEO campaign.

13. How long does your website/page take to load? If it takes too much time, then your ranking will be reduced automatically because you will lose viewers rapidly.

14. Is your website an interactive one? Google prefers to offer higher ranking to websites that allow viewers to share their views through comments. Try to make it interactive.

15. Do you have several traffic sources for your website? There are diversified sources such as search traffic, direct traffic, referral traffic and social media traffic as well.

Related Reads: 10 Black Hat SEO Techniques That Harms Your Google Ranking

16. Is any of your content duplicate or overlapping?

17. How many direct visitors your website has, who come for information? Direct visitor means viewers who type the URL of your website on the navigation bar and land on your page.

18. How many visitors come to your website through social media page? There are Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus through which you can have viewers, which are proof that your website is social media friendly.

19. How many pages of your website visitors generally view when they visit your site?

20. How long the viewers prefer to stay on your website?

21. How is the permalink structure of your website? You should have a good one to get perfect Google’s crawling and indexing.

22. How is the heading structure of your site? Make sure these are well-organized. You should try to incorporate keywords into them for the sake of On-page SEO. You can understand it better after joining the SEO course in Chandigarh.

23. Have you checked the coding errors of your website? Make sure that the codes are validated so the search engines can correctly crawl and index your site content?

24. How many numbers of ads your site/pages have? Make sure they are not disturbing your viewers.

25. Does your website have “About us/the company” and “Contact” details? Google prefers to confirm that it is created by human and not by robots.

These are some basic signals that Google applies to provide the ranking to any website and thus, you should keep all these points and verify them.



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