How do we ever get out of the labyrinth of suffering?*

Indu KS
2 min readJan 5, 2017


Source: OurMoodyDays

I thought that the labyrinth of suffering was a far sighted concept. That it never gets to me and I was somehow immune to it.

But I was wrong, what I actually did is that I had constructed a small bubble at the back of the labyrinth and was contended with the meager life inside the bubble, but eventually the bubble broke and I was faced with the cruelty of all the suffering.

I had two choices, to get out of the labyrinth or to choose it and continue to fight.

I chose the labyrinth.

I chose to stay and fight, even if it meant destruction of everything I hold dear.

Because eventually I realized that the labyrinth of suffering is all there is to life.

We fight.

We fail.

We get up and fight harder.

That is what it is all about isn’t it?

In that process, we find our true self, even if it is a messy, crying and a hopeless person. Hey, at least we chose to stay and fight right?

And during this period, we also find the ones’ who love us, who truly and so stupidly love us that they left everything and stood beside you during the hard times.

And to answer the question — How do we get out of this labyrinth of suffering. It’s this — you don’t. You stay and fight, or you stay and endure, because if you chose to give up, you are unknowingly willing to give up all the happiness and joy this beautiful little world of ours has to offer. You are willing to give up the immense love and care of the big beautiful hearts of our loved ones.

*This question was taken from the book Looking for Alaska by John Green. Labyrinth: A complicated and confused path; a maze.



Indu KS

I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.