The benefits of being invisible

Indu KS
2 min readJun 29, 2017


Photo by Stuart Vivier on Unsplash

I’m not talking about being invisible like Harry Potter when he wore his invisibility cloak, I’m talking about the kind of invisible where you’re there among the crowd, listening to people and making an effort to talk but no one actually sees you.

The kind where anything you say goes into the deep dark abyss of ignorance?

The kind where you feel like you’re being ignored?

Buckle up, because I’m going to tell you how it’s all good.

The most beautiful thing about being invisible is that you get to see people in their best and worst. And sometimes you see such beautiful moments where you can’t help but smile at humanity as a whole.

You get to see how they react, how they respond, and you get an insight into their personality and also their insecurities. You get to know a lot about a person.

Being invisible is a blessing and a curse. Be invisible for too long, you’re forgotten, be in the lime light for too long, your personal space is threatened.

The trick is to find an outlet, be it writing, singing or any other kind of art, to remind people that you have a voice, that you have an opinion and are not afraid to say it.

The real kick that comes out of all this is we can blow their minds away and once they see what you can do and what you are accomplishing,they all go “You did this? You can write? I never thought you can do that!” in their usual wide eyes and high pitched voice.

Being invisible and underestimated is a beautiful advantage. Use it wisely.

P.S: Also you’ll become an excellent gift giver.



Indu KS

I just hope this will all be worth something in the end.