What Is Induction Heating?

LJ Induction
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Induction Heating Machine Manufacturer bonds, hardens or softens metals or other conductive materials. For multiple modern manufacturing procedures, induction heating offers speed, consistency, and control.

The fundamental principles of induction heating have been understood and used in manufacturing since the 1920s. During the period of World War II, the technology developed rapidly to meet critical wartime needs for a fast, dependable process to harden metal engine parts.

Induction Annealing Machine

More recently, the emphasis on lean manufacturing techniques and improved quality control has led to a rediscovery of induction technology and the development of specifically controlled, all-solid-state induction energy supplies.

What makes this heating method so unique? Most standard heating methods use a torch or open flame to the metal part. But with induction heating, heat is actually “induced” within the area itself by circulating electrical currents.

Basics of Induction Heating

An alternating current source supplies charge to an induction heating coil in induction heating. As a consequence, the coil induces an alternating magnetic field. When an object is placed in this field, two heating consequences occur:

  • Hysteresis losses occur only in magnetic materials like iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., due to the friction between the molecules when the textile is constantly magnetized in different directions. More heightened magnetic field instability frequency results in faster particle movement, which causes more friction and, thus, more heat.
  • Eddy-current losses occur as a Joule heating result in any conductive material because of the electric currents induced by the unstable magnetic field.

Both effects heat the treated object, but the second one is most commonly the primary heat source in IH processes. Moreover, hysteresis is not observed in non-magnetic materials, and magnetic materials lose their magnetic specificities if heated above a specific temperature.

Advantages of Induction Heating

  • Reduced time

The target is heated directly through induction heating, reducing heating time and wasted heat. This method provides high power density and low or no thermal inertia.

  • High efficiency

Efficiency values over 90% are obtained due to the appropriate design of the power converter and the coil. In addition, high temperatures can be achieved quickly and efficiently as the ambient heat loss is remarkably reduced.

  • Improved control

Precise regulation of the heating energy can be achieved via appropriate coil design and management of the power converter. Additional features such as local heating, pre-heating, and predefined temperature profiles may be executed.

  • Industrial automation option

Induction heating permits modification of both the procedures’ productivity and quality. Quality is additionally guaranteed as the heating is contactless.

  • Safety and cleanliness

No thermal or air pollution exists as the target is heated instantly, and no fuel substances are utilized.

Innovations and Future Development

Although induction heating systems have already developed as a technology, the development of current technologies continuously delivers options for new research trends and industrial interest. In the coming years, the following topics are expected to be of considerable interest:

  • Efficiency improvement — Induction heating systems with even more heightened efficiency are anticipated with the improvement of semiconductor technology. Moreover, unique coil shapes and designs deliver improved efficiency. These measures aim to enhance not only the performance but also the trustworthiness of the induction heating systems.
  • Induction heaters with multiple coils — Utilizing several simultaneously-operating loops can achieve better heat distribution, more elevated interpretation, and flexibility. These systems represent a significant technological breakthrough and are increasingly typically executed in industrial and domestic applications. Efforts should be made to optimize multiple-output energy converter designs and progressive control algorithms. Another issue to be considered is the coupling effect between the respective coils.
  • Advanced control — Strong control algorithms are needed to supply proper power converter operation for different induction heating loads and operating points. The control of multi-coil systems is another challenge. The implementation predicts enhanced performance and optimization of the transient procedures of real-time identification control units with adaptive algorithms.
  • Special applications –The range of induction heating applications is expected to grow even more with technological development. Heating of low-resistivity materials, as well as heating of biological tissues for medical purposes, are topics of particular interest. Other applications still need further research to optimize the process parameters.

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LJ Induction

LJ Inductions is the most trustworthy manufacturer of induction heating machines. Visit Here: - https://inductionheatmachine.com