5 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring A Web Developer

Dilip Trivedi
3 min readNov 17, 2017


Hiring any web developers for your company is a big task as these developers create the face of business in the online world. The website helps you grab your target and significantly churn right amount of income. You will always want to create a long-term relationship with any of the top web development companies in India as it will help you to grow in the market.

The process of hiring is slightly terrible, and you should ask the right questions which indicate that you can entrust your brand to the developer. When you start to find web developers for hire, you will come across a lot of agencies or individuals and your queries will help you to choose the right one. Making the final decision is tough but assessing the answers by developers will assist you to cross this hurdle.

Questions to Be Asked

Here is the list of questions that you should ask to any top web development companies in India:

You should first enquire about the amount of the service that the web developer is asking. A team of web developers quotes their price depending on the size of the website, and they also charge extra amount for different add-ons. The amount of development varies from organization to organization, and it entirely depends upon the additional services provided by the team. The quality of works also decides price of the development services.

After the first one, you should know how they measure the success of the website they have created. The success of a website totally depends upon bounce rate, page view, search engine ranking, and time on site per visitor, unique visits, conversion rate etc. However there is definite number for these factors but an efficient agency will provide you an approximate number which will act as a benchmark.

You should enquire about primary services provided by the targeted agency. Most of the top organizations offer custom web development services in India which help the company to build a good website. Most of the agencies employ highly skilled individuals in the different department which assist the client in getting a good yield from their website.

It is mandatory for you to inquire about the policies followed by the company when they are building the same type of website for other businesses. You will always want the developer team to create something unique in the market that will generate a good return. Knowing about their approach towards your competitor will help you to choose the right one from the lot.

Lastly, you should ask the agency about the amount of data they need from you to build the website. Many agencies ask their clients to provide contents, images, and other data as they will help them to increase the focus on the site.

