3 min readJul 30, 2022


The challenge of working out regularly can be difficult. You are not alone if you are having trouble sticking to a Fitness exercise routine. It is often the biggest hurdle to getting into shape it is actually getting out of the house and going to the gym. The good news is that you can do a number of exercises at home or in your local park with just a few pieces of equipment you can afford to purchase for less than the price of a monthly membership to the gym.

Making it as easy as possible for yourself to follow through on your exercise plans is the best way to help yourself succeed and stick with your routine.

Have some workout equipment at home and a few go-to workouts that you can do when you’re short on time and space in order to get out the door and to the gym.

I want to share a simple circuit that will help you challenge your cardiovascular system, increase your strength, and leave you sweaty in about 20 minutes!

There are two sets of dumbbells that you will need in order to complete this circuit — one lighter and one heavier. It would help if you chose the weights according to your strength and fitness level.

For the circuit to be completed, you must perform the first exercise for 45 seconds with heavier weights like Kettlebells. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds with the lighter pair, then change your weights again and continue with the next pair. If you’d like to challenge yourself a little more, you can repeat the exercise three times.

The goal of this short, but highly effective workout is to challenge yourself. Rest up to 1 minute between sets if necessary, but keep the pace fast. Here are the pairs of exercises: click on each photo to see a photo and a description if you’re unfamiliar with them.

  • Row bent over
  • Push-ups
  • Repeats of the Lung
  • Climber of the Mountain
  • Thruster for Squats
  • Wood Chopper in Reverse

Row bent over

The weights should be placed in a neutral position with palms facing each other, bent over, and the spine in a neutral position as you exhale.


Maintain a slight 45-degree angle between your elbows and body, inhale as you lower, and exhale as you extend. Try doing push-ups on a bench or table if you cannot do them fully yet (see my blog on how to progress from kneeling to pushing!)


You should find your balance by stepping back with your heel up and your front foot forward. Hold your front knee in place over your ankle and inhale as you lower yourself. Exhale and stand up, pressing through your front heel.


Maintain your upper body stability as you move your legs under your torso in a running motion.


Lie on your back and hold the Dumbbell above your shoulders. As you take a deep breath, lower down into a squat position. As you exhale, squeeze your bum and press the weights overhead, keeping your heels solid.


You should keep your lower body forward as you twist through your obliques to the side, inhaling as you reach your leg. As you raise weight diagonally across your body, exhale as you lower weight.




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