Dear Business Owner — Bitter, or Better?!

Indwelt Studios
3 min readMar 28, 2020


Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

You’ll have to agree, the influx of information at this time is overwhelming; as everyone seems to have heard something or now works with WHO.

The ‘do not panic’ messages are actually panicking, sales are dropping, you’re uncertain and so are your clients; but then, you still join all of us to tell all of us the 5 things to do or not do. Ok!

It’s the right thing to do, as you feel the need to share and keep sharing to stay visible. However, what this moment actually calls for is a bit of well-considered empathy.

Report has it since the #covid19 outbreak, a large percentage of employees are being fired, and a lot still very uncertain about their income, and for you, as a business owner/entrepreneur some of your clients might not be able to engage you at this time. No one saw this coming and as uncertain as you feel, your clients feel that way too; The entire world is right now.

Now, more than anything, the ‘make money in this crisis’ copy has increased on your timeline, and you have buried yourself in a deep frenzy of the Instagram’s coach ‘let me teach you how’.

Calm down!

Madam coach is obviously right, and Sir coach might actually teach you a thing, but what you really need to be is Empathetic!

That organization/client that has kept you in business for months or even years and can no longer engage you at this time, imagine how difficult it must be for them.

What you might want to do before or in between your sessions with Sir &Ma Coach is to thoughtfully and intentionally engage your clients, your tribe however you see them; both ex and existing clients.

You should still communicate the importance of handwashing, social distancing, etc at this time (we hope you’re also practicing what you’re preaching), however, take it a step further by calling out your clients (one after the other, and depending on what your clientele base looks like, you should be creative with how you structure this), letting the public know the exact service(s) you offer them and highlight the perks of you working with them, and the wonderful moments you’ve had with them.

Play the role of a superhero by bringing a little bit of sunshine during this cloudy season instead of being a grumpy business owner; not every time ‘take advantage of this promo’ — that is actually a ripoff.

You can take it a step further by mentioning the individuals in the organization who are your key contacts and make your transactions with them seamless.

Whether they can or can no longer afford to engage your services, be humane and ensure your communication creatively expresses empathy!

You can also send personalized emails that are conversation starters. If you’re wondering what that is, then you need to talk to Indwelt Studios.

Pro tip here: Even as you continue to engage with them, highlight and reiterate your expertise, values and creatively remind them why they choose you!

You see, this crisis will end at some point, and when it does, the relationships that stem from it will ultimately pay off.

If you don’t know how to go from here, Talk to US!

Stay at Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, and Wash your hands at all times.


…express your essence!

